E.Clément Novembre 2011 E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013 AGATA Campaign at GANIL Setup to be integrated Project Organization and Planning Status of the installation
E.Clément Novembre 2011 Charged particle array for transfer reaction MUST2/TIARA : (d,p) etc … program with SIB and RIB Charged particle array for prompt tagging : DIAMANT Neutron detector (Nwall) Charged particle array for Recoil Decay Tagging : MUSETT Scintillator : BaF2 array, LaBr3 Future detector : NEDA (n), GASPARD ( ?), PARIS (LaBr3) In G1 coupled to VAMOS (+ EXOGAM2): SIBs, RIBs AGATA 1 at GANIL : Ancillary devices At 0° as separator (vaccum/gas-filled) Angles >10 deg for fission & MNT E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013 o We have received 47 Letters of Intents o The equivalent of ~2006 UT are proposed hours of beam on target (669 days) o 4 main setups o Vamos in magnetic spectrometer o Vamos in gas-filled o Nwall + Diamant o DSSSD We need to organize sub-campaigns by setup and investigate the technical issues case by case : Working Group, leader to be identified during the workshop Planning of upgrade of some ancillaries (gas-filled, NWALL, DIAMANT) AGATA will increase in efficiency during the campaign Not all experiments will benefit from the 1
E.Clément Novembre 2011 E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013 GANIL cannot produce all of them : Metallic 238 U 48 Ca target is a challenge Plunger Target Joa’s talk To be discussed within the Working Group You might be invited to provide expensive isotopes for the accelerator ( 48 Ca, 70 Zn…) GANIL have some limitation for low beam energy 40,48 Ca and 56 Ni beams issues to be discussed in the WG
E.Clément Novembre 2011 E.Clément GANIL Scientific Council February 2013 EXOGAM, LaBr3, BaF2 … AGATA Configurations at GANIL E. Farnea et al, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 621 (2010) 331–343 See Johan’s talk
E.Clément Novembre 2011 Local organization done Tasks distribution and their detailed description were distributed GANIL project : Set of spec delivered, detailed planning, resources evaluation, budget, development plan, PBS, WBS distributed Security/safety : Installation description for DIRC01 : 1 st draft released, risk analysis beginning of 2013 The call for tender, to be launched by May 2013 after GANIL management review, are under preparation Specific infrastructure to be delivered in December 2013 In 2012, ~4 FTE have worked on the project (20 persons involved at GANIL) For , ~80 m.month are evaluated Organisation E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 Schedule (assuming that material from GSI arrive on Jan-Feb 2014) Gas-filled installation expected in mid-2015 if funded in 2013 GANISOL beams available for physics beginning of 2016 No SPIRAL1 beam in GANIL has requested the host of AGATA until end of 2016 T2-12T3-12T4-12T1-13T2-13T3-13T4-13T1-14T2-14T3-14T4-14…T4-16 Mechanics STFC Design GANIL Impl IPHC construc Mounting Infrastructure det GANIL Studies Collecting items Installation LN2, AF GANIL Studies Collecting items InstallationTest DAQ Hardware GANIL Studies Collecting items InstallationTest DAQ Software Prep. Test Processing Room Renov Aire Proj AGATA infra Detector Mounting Source & Commi Expt … E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 ~150 k€ ~17k€ Processing room 019 Upgrade ~ 102k€ Detector lab infrastructure ~15 k€ Cryogenic upgrade, connection ~25 k€ Total investment cost ~380 k€ Optical fibers links ~70k€ E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 Budget : Total cost investment ~380k€ 237 k€ guaranteed by GANIL for 2013 to be completed in the 2014 request IPHC requested 90k€ from IN2P3-AP for the mechanic ANR (French Research Funding Agency) request for the gas-filled mode submitted by the Saclay and GANIL group (PI : Ch. Theisen & Ch. Schmitt) Loan of material from LNL & GSI (cooled cabinet, racks, water distribution, Optical link) under evaluation E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 Detectors support design done by STFC Daresbury in close collaboration with GANIL GANIL designs the additional platform GANIL takes in charge the integration work Projection T 9 months of construction estimated starting by T On-going collaboration with the IPHC workshop for the construction of the support Workshop for the extended platform not yet defined I. Burrows (STFC) M. Ozille, P. Gangnant (GANIL) Mechanic E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 I. Burrows (STFC) M. Ozille (GANIL) G. Gaudiot (IPHC) Mechanic First 2D projections have been released in January On-going validation and fine cost estimate Mechanical stress and rigidity calculations validated E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 M. Ozille (GANIL) Mechanic E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 M. Ozille, P. Gangnant, G. Fremont (GANIL) GANIL is in charge of the beam section and target chamber design for most of the experiment Specific configurations will be treated case by case Target loader : Detailed design on going by GANIL Final decision will be taken after the workshop Target loader and beam line E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 Salle G1 AGATA EXOGAM Elec. AGATA Elec. DSS 300 optical wires Water cooling 26° 8 bars 27 kW UPS L. Menager, J. Ropert, JL. Foucher (GANIL) Integration Cryogenic distribution E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 L. Menager, M. Jean, N. Menard (GANIL) The foreseen room required important investment (refurbishment, electricity, water cooling, air conditioning …) G1 cave Integration E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 Performance simulations :on-going (see Johan’s talk) Electronic coupling: on-going (several meeting already done, transfer of knowledge in GSI during 2013) Detector:starting (transfer of knowledge in GSI during 2013) Data flow, DAQ:on-going (several meeting already done, no problem anticipated) Mechanic design : on-going (final design review) Optical link :on-going (Call for tender expected by April) Data analysis :starting (first meeting on the first week of Dec.) AutoFill-cryogenic :on-going (definition of the installation, call for tender in April) Infrastructure :on-going (final design review on going) E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013
E.Clément Novembre 2011 Conclusion Physics objectives will be presented at the next CS for evaluation (Campaign definition) Sub-campaigns to be discussed and adjusted with upgrade planning 2014-mid 2015 : AGATA-VAMOS+ “light” ancillary 2015 : gas-filled, NWALL 2016 : SPIRAL1 beams The AGATA project at GANIL made progress in all different items with a particular attention on the mechanic and the integration The transfer of knowledge on detectors and electronic will be organized in 2013 during off and on- beam period at GSI with GANIL technical staff. Mechanical construction should start soon, delivery by end of 2013 Call for tender are expected to be sent by May 2013 for infrastructure Data Acquisition and Data analysis preparation will progress over 2013 GANIL technical involvement is already significant Budget guaranteed by GANIL for 2013 to be completed in the 2014 request E.Clément GANIL AGATA Days February 2013