By: Austin Terhune
Junior in Plant & Soil Sciences Perryton, TX Three generations of family farm A little over 9,000 acres
Ground Preparation Use of Precision Planting Center Pivot Irrigation Side-Dressing Harvesting and Yield Monitors Residue Management
Strip-Tillage: is a conservation system that uses a minimum tillage. It combines the soil drying and warming benefits of conventional tillage with the soil- protecting advantages of no-till by disturbing only the portion of the soil that is to contain the seed row
John Deer 12 Row 1770 Seed Planter AutoTrack Guidance N & P fertilizer ProBox with Seed Loader
7 gal/acre of Nitrogen Phosphorus
Speed King Seed Buggy Holds 2 ProBoxes 1 ProBox = 50 bags of seed.
Seed with Talc Powder and graphiteSeed Loader in Use
Auto Track Monitor20/20 S.S. Monitor VeM8&feature=related
Valley Center Pivots Electric Pivots and Panel 1/4-1/2 Mile long Pivots Remote Link Pivot Trac Fertigation Pumps
Electric Motor Gas Motor ft. Deep wells 500-1,000 gallons/minute
Side-dress corn between growing stages V3-V5 Set guidance system over 6 inches from planting row
Fertilizer Used 30 gal/acre gal/acre Plus 4lbs/acre Zinc 1850 Gal. Nurse Trailer
Semi-TruckGrain Cart
Yield Monitors Auto Track Moisture gauges Cutting high Excess Residue
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