Technical Coordinators Meeting Chris Bongaarts Steve Siirila September 7, 2005
Outages server (peridot) failed on August 26 th ( ) due to a memory failure server (peridot) failed on August 26 th ( ) due to a memory failure Mail spool full on Morris server on August 28 th due to a mass mailing involving a 14MB message Mail spool full on Morris server on August 28 th due to a mass mailing involving a 14MB message
Win2K UMN.EDU Forest Decommissioned Remaining domain controllers for the UMN.EDU forest shut down Aug 29 th Remaining domain controllers for the UMN.EDU forest shut down Aug 29 th Talk to Kevin DeJong (ADCS) if you are interested in having your forest managed by OIT (* Talk to Kevin DeJong (ADCS) if you are interested in having your forest managed by OIT (*
Hardware Upgrades 2 Sun V890 servers with 19K users each 2 Sun V890 servers with 19K users each 4 Sun V440 servers with 10K users each 4 Sun V440 servers with 10K users each 1 Sun V440 server with 10K non-SSL users 1 Sun V440 server with 10K non-SSL users 1 Sun V440 server with 3K interactive users 1 Sun V440 server with 3K interactive users 1 Sun V240 server with 50K+ inactive users 1 Sun V240 server with 50K+ inactive users 1 Sun E450 server with 5K Morris users 1 Sun E450 server with 5K Morris users Total: 10 servers with ~150K users Total: 10 servers with ~150K users
Inbox Auto-Filing Users with an Inbox over 20MB will receive an introductory message once Users with an Inbox over 20MB will receive an introductory message once Users whose mailboxes have any messages archived will be notified each time this takes place Users whose mailboxes have any messages archived will be notified each time this takes place
Inbox Auto-Filing Preliminary list of ALL eligible users will be available if sufficient interest Preliminary list of ALL eligible users will be available if sufficient interest Letters to eligible users to be sent out weekly beginning week of Sept 18 th Letters to eligible users to be sent out weekly beginning week of Sept 18 th Number of users will be limited for the first few weeks Number of users will be limited for the first few weeks List of users who were sent letters can be sent to technical coordinators List of users who were sent letters can be sent to technical coordinators
Phase-out of clear-text passwords Moving users at a rate of 20 per day to secure servers as they are determined to be set up securely Moving users at a rate of 20 per day to secure servers as they are determined to be set up securely Users can choose to be moved (happens within 24 hours) Users can choose to be moved (happens within 24 hours)
Unauthenticated SMTP gateway phase-out Users should be using the service for outgoing Users should be using the service for outgoing Servers/devices unable to do SMTP authentication should be using the service instead Servers/devices unable to do SMTP authentication should be using the service instead No phase-out timeline established No phase-out timeline established To check your server settings, send an to: To check your server settings, send an to:
Migrating Servers from Department to Central Internet ID synchronization Internet ID synchronization Individual user forwarding to central Individual user forwarding to central Domain-specific address mapping at the SMTP level, e.g.: Domain-specific address mapping at the SMTP level, e.g.: -> deptweb … -> smith999 … -> REJECT Switching MX record to point to central Switching MX record to point to central
AOL Blocking UMN AOL blocking UMN due to excessive number of spam reports by its users AOL blocking UMN due to excessive number of spam reports by its users Possible solutions: Possible solutions: –Forbid forwarding to AOL (maybe only forbid students?) –Require strictest spam blocking for forwarders, or forbid forwarding for those who allow all mail –Disable forward for complainers –Other suggestions?
‘Till next month… Steve Siirila Steve Siirila Chris Bongaarts Chris Bongaarts