AQUAINT Proposal for a Pilot Study on Extended Definitions: Who is Colin Powell? What is naproxen? Ralph Weischedel & Dan Moldovan 13 June 2002
AQUAINT Who is Colin Powell? l Lt. Gen. Colin L. Powell, the first black to serve as White House national security adviser, was promoted to full general Thursday. l Gulf war leader General Colin Powell, outgoing chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was awarded an honorary knighthood by the Queen. l Should (God forbid) the U.S. and Israel become entwined in some kind of joint defensive conflict in the Middle East, we don't have to worry about our chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff "communicating." Gen. Colin L. Powell speaks fluent Yiddish, learned from a South Bronx shopkeeper when he was a child. l General Colin Powell, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, is reported to have argued that increased US intervention could only be successful if it involved at least as large a ground force as that used in Desert Storm. Example Extracted Sentences from TREC corpora
AQUAINT Who is Colin Powell? l Lt. Gen. Colin L. Powell, the first black to serve as White House national security adviser, was promoted to full general Thursday. l Gulf war leader General Colin Powell, outgoing chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was awarded an honorary knighthood by the Queen. l Should (God forbid) the U.S. and Israel become entwined in some kind of joint defensive conflict in the Middle East, we don't have to worry about our chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff "communicating." Gen. Colin L. Powell speaks fluent Yiddish, learned from a South Bronx shopkeeper when he was a child. l General Colin Powell, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, is reported to have argued that increased US intervention could only be successful if it involved at least as large a ground force as that used in Desert Storm. Redundant Less Important
AQUAINT Who is Colin Powell? l The first black to serve as White House national security adviser l Gulf war leader l General l Awarded an honorary knighthood by the Queen l Chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff Possible Answers
AQUAINT Technical/Evaluation Challenges l For 2002 pilot l For systems: Need to model and detect —Redundancy —Importance l For successful evaluation —Will pooling of answers provide adequate basis for recall estimation? —Can importance and redundancy be judged to measure precision? l For future expansion of task beyond 2002 l User specification of interest l More sophisticated association of time information, a topic being addressed in 2002 NRRC TERQAS workshop l Generation of paragraphs, tables (of positions held), timelines (of major events), …
AQUAINT Ingredients for Eval IssueSuggestion Type of question Who is ; What is ; & What is (and their variants) where the answer is supported by the corpus What system should return Ranked list of noun phrases/verb phrases that give properties/facts about the subject and the document justifying each property/fact What resources are fair Not just a catalog containing the answer; system must return document justifying each list element Guidelines on human assessments Guidelines about ‘important’ facts/properties to be given before eval Mark off-topic material wrong Mark redundant items in list as wrong Mark unimportant material wrong ScoringAverage precision on ranked lists