OUR CORE VALUES FAMILY WORSHIP CENTRE. 1.FAMILY We believe that the family was instituted by God and it constitutes of a man (male) and his wife (female)


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Presentation transcript:


1.FAMILY We believe that the family was instituted by God and it constitutes of a man (male) and his wife (female) with or without children. Family is the thread that weaves the fabric of every society – weak families spell weak society/church & vice versa.

THE FAMILY (contd.) We believe in the sanctity of marriage. Every sexual need should be met in the marriage institution. Order: Christ is the head of the man, and the man is the head of the home. The man is the: Priest Protector and the Provider in the family.

THE FAMILY (contd.) The woman submits to, supports and helps her husband in all things. The children submit to both parents according to the injunction of the Holy Bible. Singlehood is a time to serve God (Eccl. 12:1). We encourage our singles to live pure and holy lives, free from all forms of sexual immorality.

THE FAMILY (contd) All members of and workers (especially, house-helps) in the Family should be treated with dignity, respect and love. We forbid all forms of abuse, including but not limited to, verbal, physical, mental/emotional and sexual abuse.

2. LOVE We are called to demonstrate the unconditional (Agape) love of God to one another. (John 13:35) We demonstrate this love in the following ways:

LOVE (contd.) 1. Caring: No matter how large we get as a church, through the care groups, we will always be small enough to care for every member. 2. Sharing: “But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?” – I John 3:17. This is our mandate as a church. We must be willing to give and also to receive.

LOVE (contd.) 3. Celebrating One Another: We celebrate one another by making occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, dedications, funerals etc., special and memorable. This means we greatly enjoy one another’s company “My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.”- I John 3:18

3. EXCELLENCE Our God is an excellent God and deserves the best. In Family Worship Centre, we are deliberate and thorough in everything we do. Philippians 1:10 – “That you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ”. We push for 100% in our service to God – David said, “I will not give to God that which COSTS me nothing.”

Excellence (contd.) Nothing about us should be average or mediocre. The secret to excelling in life is in the pursuit of excellence – Proverbs 22:29 “GOOD BETTER BEST, MAY I NEVER REST, UNTIL MY GOOD IS BETTER AND MY BETTER BEST!”

4. INTEGRITY We believe that Christians should uphold high moral principles and virtues like honesty, transparency, sincerity, accountability etc; We must be people who say what they mean and mean what they say. People who are the same at home and in church. “Let your life be your message, the only bible somebody will read.” “The integrity of the upright shall guide them, but the willful…crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.” (Poverbs11:3 amp.)

5. COMMITMENT In FWC, we do not expect you to come and go as you will, but that you are committed in the following ways; Commit to love God by seeking Him First daily. Plan to spend a minimum of one hour daily in praise, studying your Bible and prayers. Commit to fellowship by attending church programs.

COMMITMENT (Contd.) Commit to leadership by being in a ministry where you are of service to others. Commit to a Lifestyle of Evangelism. Aim to lead at least two people to Christ every year. (friends, families, neighbors or colleagues) Commit to an Obedient Life. Obey God completely and set authorities - Parents, Church Authority, Civil Authority etc. Commit to a Dignified Public Life. Your testimony at home, work, church and elsewhere should be worthy of the Lord and consistent.

COMMITMENT (Cont) Commit to being a giver. Don’t exempt yourself from opportunities to be a blessing. Commit to joy and enjoying God. Be a joyful Christian no matter what. Live above circumstances. Commit to live as a pilgrim (1 Peter 2:11). Live simple, modest lives. Shun evil and covetousness. Live ready for the coming of the Lord.

6. STEWARDSHIP We are stewards of our earthly possessions; talents, resources, finances, etc. We will all give an account of how we managed these resources. We believe that God wants to prosper you. However, as a church, it is important to us that you make your money honestly. We believe that money is a tool in establishing the kingdom of God and must not be worshipped. Matthew 6:24 – “You cannot serve God and mammon.”

STEWARDSHIP (cont) We believe that wealth should be gathered slowly. In Family Worship Centre, tithes and offerings are not an option. All members are expected to give all their tithes all the time. Savings and Investment. A Family Worship Center member should cultivate the habit of keeping a minimum of 10% of his income in savings and/or make wise and profitable investments. Debts. Get out of debts, stay out of debts and be content.