Marriage and the Family Revision


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Presentation transcript:

Marriage and the Family Revision This is a revision guide only and sums up the points you may need to make. you should also refer to your course booklets for more detail information

Attitudes to relationships in the UK Arguments for cohabitation – write down 3 arguments then check your answers 1 in 3 married couples divorce There are nearly as many rights for couples living together than married couples It is less commitment so less risky than marriage financially

Arguments against cohabitation – write down 3 arguments then check your answers There is no commitment to just living together, 1 partner can just walk out Marriage is the preferred way to live my many people, religious or not. It is the basis for society When a couple are married, people’s rights are likely to know where they stand e.g. with inheritance and with family

The acceptance of homosexuality means that there are more single sex parents There is more divorce and this has led to single parent families and reconstituted families Reasons why family has changed Women often have to go out to work meaning that parents chose to live near their parents who can be child minders = extended families Cohabiting is very popular yet it never used to be accepted due to religious ideas on pre-marital sex Families are smaller due to the promotion of contraception

Key words – write down the definitions then check your answers. Cohabitation – living together without being married Contraception - Deliberately stopping pregnancy from happening Pre-marital sex – sex before marriage Promiscuity – having sex with a number of partners without commitment Procreation - Making a new life Did you get them all right? If not try again as using definitions correctly gets you more marks Remember to revise all the keywords at the front of your booklet

Christian ideas about sex outside of marriage. Sex outside of marriage can refer to pre-marital sex AND adultery. Be careful in the exam if this is asked ALL Christians think that adultery is wrong as it breaks the marriage vows and the 10 Commandment “Do not commit adultery.” Protestants think that a couple can have sex before marriage but only if they know that they are going to get married. Roman Catholics think that sex with anyone other than a marriage partner is wrong. They class it as a “grave sin” in their Catechism (statement of belief)

Christians are against Adultery is a sin because the Bible forbids it, especially the 10 Commandments “Do not commit adultery” Adultery is wrong as it breaks up families and causes emotional upset, and the family unit is important to Christians The Bible clearly teaches that sex is something that should be between married people and so this should be followed as it is the word of God Christians are against promiscuity as it can lead to STIs which are harmful to people The reasons why some Christians are against sex outside of marriage are: Sex is thought of as something special and so should only be between committed people, and so should be in a marriage as premarital sex is not always between a stable couple Christians are against premarital sex because it can lead to children outside of a marriage which may mean that they are not raised in a stable home as it would be easier for parents to split up

Muslim Attitudes to Sex Outside of Marriage This is always wrong whether it is adultery or sex before marriage. Single people are not allowed to associate with each other unless chaperoned in order to try to prevent pre-marital sex. Muslims are taught not to encourage sexual attention and so they dress modestly (not show a lot of skin)

NOTE! The reasons are very similar to Christian ones Adultery is a sin because the Qur’an and Shari’ah law forbids it, and says that it can be harshly punished Adultery is wrong as it breaks up families and causes emotional upset, and the family unit is important to Christians The Qur’an clearly teaches that sex is something that should be between married people and so this should be followed as it is the word of God Muslims are against promiscuity as it can lead to STIs which are harmful to people The reasons why some Muslims are against sex outside of marriage are: Sex is thought of as something special and so should only be between committed people, and so should be in a marriage as premarital sex is not always between a stable couple Muslims are against premarital sex because it can lead to children outside of a marriage which may mean that they are not raised in a stable home as it would be easier for parents to split up

Christianity and Divorce ALL CHRISTIANS HATE DIVORCE Attitudes 1: Some Christians e.g Roman Catholics never accept divorce even in extreme cases. They believe if a couple want to part they may do so but not have a sexual relationship with anyone else. Therefore they are not allowed to remarry. Reasons: vows are made in front of God and the couple promise to marry til death us do part In the Bible Jesus appears to forbid divorce and says that those who remarry commit adultery. Attitude 2:Protestants also hate divorce HOWEVER they think that sometimes it may be for the best in extreme cases e.g adultery, abuse. Jesus always did the most loving thing Jesus taught ‘Love thy neighbour’ e.g. if there is violence in a relationship. The Bible said that that people can divorce for adultery

Christianity and Remarriage Some Christians do not allow remarriage because they do not allow divorce. This is because: vows are made ‘til death us do part’ and so are for life. This means it would be adultery to remarry Although they allow divorce, other Christians will not allow remarriage. This is because: a couple make their vows in front of God and so their promises should not be broken. This vow is so special is can not be taken again. However, other Christians will allow remarriage as they believe: That God will forgive anyone Jesus taught that people should be given second chances

Islam and Divorce ALL Muslims think that divorce is wrong as this is what Allah and the Prophet Muhammad said, but accept that sometimes it may be necessary. If a couple want to divorce they should seek help from their parents as they are wise and may be able to help them stay together The couple need to live together for 3 months as time can heel rifts, but they can not have sex just in case the woman becomes pregnant and then they split up Divorced Muslims are encouraged to remarry as Muslims think that this is the best way to live as marriage looks after people. Remember, in Islam marriage is about family security, it doesn’t assume that the couple love each other

Different Muslim ideas about divorce Some Muslims would not divorce because: The Qur’an says that Allah allows it but it is detestable, therefore some Muslims will think it should be for life as it is hated even if it is allowed Other Muslims would allow divorce because: The Qur’an teaches that it is allowed, especially if staying together would cause unhappiness 2. A marriage is a contract, and like business contracts, they can be legally ended

True or False? The divorce rate in Britain is 1 in every 5 married couples? False! The rate is 1 in every 3 In Islam the parents often choose their children’s marriage partner? True. They look for qualities which may make the marriage successful based on how well they know their child. 3. Roman Catholics do not accept divorce? True. The couple promise to God that they will keep their vows until ‘death do us part’ Muslims accept divorce? True, although they believe that Allah does not like it. Muslims who divorce must not remarry? False, Muslims are encouraged to remarry as they believe that family is so very important to society and a way of caring for everyone. This is different to Roman Catholics who believe that divorced people should remain single.

Christianity and homosexuality Other Christians believe that it is acceptable as: Jesus taught that love is what matters There are stories in the Bible which talk of love between same sexes such as David and Jonathan (although these were not romantic) Some Churches e,g the Quakers, have issued statements saying that it is love that is more important than anything else Some Christians, such as Roman Catholics, believe that homosexuality should not be practiced because: Some parts of the Bible teach that it is wrong The Roman Catholic Catechism (statement of belief) says that it is a sin

Muslims and homosexuality All Muslims believe that homosexuality is totally wrong and forbidden. This is because: It is seen as adultery – remember, Muslims believe that sex must only be between a husband and wife There are several references in the Qur’an which say that it is wrong and that it should be punished It is forbidden by Shari’ah Law (religious law) The prophet Muhammad taught that it is wrong

Christian views on contraception Some Christians believe that contraception should be used because: 1. Sex is not just about procreation (creating a new life), it can be about expressing love 2. It is a way for a couple to be responsible about the size of their family 3. Some people need to avoid getting pregnant for medical reasons Some Christians think that the use of contraception is totally wrong. This is because: The Bible teaches that people should have “many children” and so they should not be prevented They believe that the purpose of sex is to have children, and nothing else. This was God’s purpose for procreation. It goes against the will of God as He decides when life should begin

Muslim views on contraception Some Muslims agree with the use of contraception because: Muhammad knew and approved of it It is responsible to limit a family size so all can be cared for The health of the mother is important, and it can be used to prevent a genetic illness being passed on Other Muslims would disagree because: Scriptures say that only Allah decides when pregnancy happens and people should not interfere with his plan Limiting family size because of a fear of how people will be looked after is wrong as scriptures say that Allah will make sure they are cared for However, Muslims are clear that contraception should not be used to NEVER have children. This would be wrong

Family Keywords – join up the words to the correct meanings Nuclear family Reconstituted family Civil partnership A legal ceremony where gay couples are given the same rights as a husband and wife Mother, father and children living together A couple and their children from previous relationships get married and become a step family

Name the keyword which could be associated with the picture Marriage – the legal joining of 2 people for the purpose of living together and having children

Nuclear family – parents and children living together

Reconstituted family – 2 families joining together through marriage and becoming one (step parents and children)

Christian Attitude to the Family “Honour your mother and your father” (10 Commandments, Exodus) The family is important, both children and the elderly are looked after. Elderly relatives should be looked after as in the Bible God instructs that parents should be honoured and respected Children should be brought up as Christians, go to church and Sunday school where they can learn Christian values. This includes learning about the Christian faith through festivals, prayers, bible study and maybe going to a faith school. 2 agencies which help in raising children and look after the elderly are ‘The Children’s Society’ and ‘Methodist Homes for the Aged.’

Muslim Attitudes to the Family Like in Christianity family is extremely important. The family teaches young people how to behave and be a good Muslim, with the help of the rest of the Muslim community. This includes prayers and festivals. It teaches young Muslims about Allah The elderly are looked after. It goes against Allah’s wishes to not care for elderly parents e.g. put them in an old people’s home Muslims live in extended families in order for young children to be cared for, and then elderly relatives.

How do religious people Test yourself Raised to be good Christians or Muslims Learn about daily things to do with their faith e.g. Muslims will learn how to pray Learn about their religion through going to Sunday school or the madrasah How do religious people raise children? Learn how to follow Bible or Qur’an teaching e.g. look after and respect their family Learn about the significance and meaning of their religious festivals Go to a faith school where they will learn about their religion as well as normal school things

Family is important to religious people because: Family is important to keep society working properly It ensures that the faith grows The Bible and Qur’an teach that it is important It is a place where children learn right from wrong All members of the family are cared for Jesus and Muhammad are recorded of being close to the members of their families

Welcome to Who Wants to be a Marriage and the Family Millionaire 50:50 Welcome to Who Wants to be a Marriage and the Family Millionaire 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 Which key word means ‘a man and woman living together without being married?’ 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Marriage Cohabitation C: Polygamy D: Monogamy

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

Which is the odd one out? 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 Which is the odd one out? 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Promiscuity B: Premarital sex C: Cohabiting D: Marriage

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

D: A single parent family C: When a cohabiting couple have children 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 What is a reconstituted family? 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 B: A civil partnership A: When a man and a woman who have children from a previous relationship get married and become 1 family D: A single parent family C: When a cohabiting couple have children

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

What does ‘procreation’ mean 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 What does ‘procreation’ mean 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 B: To marry someone of the same sex A: To make a new life C: To use a condom D: To have a step family

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

D: People can be gay if they are over 16 years old 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 What is the Muslim view on homosexuality? 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 B: It is only allowed if people have a civil partnership A: It is allowed C: It is always wrong D: People can be gay if they are over 16 years old

You’ve Reached the £1,000 Milestone! Congratulations! Congratulations!

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

What does the Bible teach about contraception? 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 What does the Bible teach about contraception? 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 B: Nothing, but it does say that people should have many children A: That condoms can be used C: That people can use it as long as they will have children at some point D: That it is wrong to use it

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

What do Roman Catholics think about divorce? 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 What do Roman Catholics think about divorce? 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 B: It is only allowed if a partner has committed adultery A: It is ok if there is abuse in the relationship D: It is never acceptable as vows are made until death C: It is acceptable – people can make their own choice

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

C: A reconstituted family 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 Which type of family does a Muslim traditionally live in? 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: An extended family B: As a couple C: A reconstituted family D: A nuclear family

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

Why do Muslim families prefer to live in extended families? 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 Why do Muslim families prefer to live in extended families? 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Because it’s cheaper B: To have free babysitters C: So that all members of the family can be cared for D: So that children can keep an eye on parents

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 What does God instruct people to do for their family in the 10 Commandments? 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Put elderly parents in an old people’s home to have specialist care B: Live with them C: Keep an eye on them D: Honour/respect them

You’ve Reached the £32,000 Milestone! Congratulations!

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

B: Being able to marry more than 1 person D: A vow Christians make 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 What is polygamy? 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 B: Being able to marry more than 1 person A: A maths shape C: Part of the Muslim marriage ceremony D: A vow Christians make

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 Up to how many wives can a Muslim man marry if he is able to treat them equally? 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: 2 B: 3 C: 4 D: 5

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

What is the most important thing Muslims teach their children? 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 What is the most important thing Muslims teach their children? 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 B: What to do at festivals A: How to pray D: To love Allah and behave like a good Muslim C: How to look after their family

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 What is the mosque school called where Muslims learn more about their religion (the Islam version of Sunday School) 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Madrasah B: Mandir C: Muhammad D: Mosque

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 What is the Christian charity called which helps some families in times of need such as when they have emotional or financial problems? 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Save the Children B: The Children’s Society C: Christian Aid D: The Red Cross