Class materials are available at Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists Reformed Presbyterian
Class materials are available at Swiss Reformation 1519 Zwingli - Catholic priest in Zurich 1524 Zurich Reformation 1529 Zwingli disagreed with Luther on Eucharist 1531 Zwingli killed in Battle of Kappel 1532 William Farel moved to Geneva 1535 Government mandated Protestantism Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists
Class materials are available at John Calvin 1509 Born (Luther was 26) 1528 Law School - Read Luther’s writings 1531 Moved to Paris to be a Writer 1533 Sudden Conversion 1536 Instruction in the Christian Religion Geneva with Farel, 21 Articles 1539 Strassburg with Bucer (Lutheran) 1540 Married widow of Anabaptist 1541 Returned to Geneva Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists
Class materials are available at Calvinism Spread by Refugees Geneva Academy Ecclesiastical Ordinances Ministry - Disciplined Clergy Consistory - Enforced purity and morality Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists
Class materials are available at Calvin Theology Instructions in the Christian Religion Salvation By grace, through faith, not works Scripture - Inerrant, Only source of doctrine Inner word - Given to elect by Holy Spirit Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists
Class materials are available at Predestination Predestination of the Elect Predestination of the Reprobate Lutheran Formula of Concord: The eternal election of God, however, not only foresees and foreknows the salvation of the elect, but through His gracious will and good pleasure in Christ Jesus is also a cause which procures, works, facilitates and promotes our salvation. Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists
Class materials are available at Calvin Theology Sacraments Baptism Lord’s Supper Morals God’s Sovereignty Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists
Class materials are available at Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists Luther Sacrament: A sacred act ordained by God through which He brings grace to men through external means connected with His Word. Morals: Permit what is not forbidden God / man - Father / Child Bible - Letter from a Loving Father Relationship with God - Trust Calvin Sacrament: A testimony of the grace of God towards us, confirmed by an outward sign, with a reciprocal attestation of our piety towards Him. Morals: Forbid what is not permitted God / man - Master / Servant Bible - Rules and Regulations Relationship with God - Obedience
Class materials are available at TULIP Doctrine Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists Total Depravity Unconditional Election Limited Atonement Irresistible Grace Perseverance of the Saints TULIPTULIP
Class materials are available at Puritans Church of England Elizabethan Puritans Separatists Pilgrim Fathers Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists
Class materials are available at Reformed Reformed Church in America ~200,000 Christian Reformed Church ~300,000 Lutherans and Other Denominations Calvinists
Lutherans and Other Denominations
Class materials are available at John Knox 1505Born (Luther was 22) 1537French Galley Ship Prisoner 1540Preached in England 1545Geneva with Calvin 1550Returned to Scotland Lutherans and Other Denominations Presbyterians
Class materials are available at Presbyterian History Scottish-Irish immigrants Frank Makemie First presbytery Philadelphia Lutherans and Other Denominations Presbyterians
Class materials are available at Presbyterians Presbyterian Church (USA) 2.3 million Presbyterian Church in America ~300,000 Lutherans and Other Denominations Presbyterians
Lutherans and Other Denominations
Class materials are available at Presbyterian Organization Presbyter Elders Sessions Presbytery Synod General Assembly Lutherans and Other Denominations Presbyterians
Class materials are available at Presbyterian Doctrine Predestination Morals Worship Lutherans and Other Denominations Presbyterians
Class materials are available at Lutherans and Other Denominations Presbyterians Lutheran Salvation is: by grace through faith Sacrament: A sacred act ordained by God through which He brings grace to men through external means connected with His Word. Presbyterian Salvation is: by grace through faith Sacrament: Instituted by God, commended by Christ, Signs of the real presence and power of Christ in the church, symbols of God’s action, God seals believers in redemption, renews their identity as the people of God, and marks them for service.
Class materials are available at Next Week: Anglicans and Arminians Episcopal Methodist Salvation Army Lutherans and Other Denominations