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Presentation transcript:

Bonne Année Happy New Year

Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël

Quiz 2 - Translation 海洋山脊形成的新机制( Ocean ridges: then there were three ) 最近對海床中最遙遠、相對來說也是最難以到達的一些地方所做的觀測,有可能改 變當前關于海床擴展机制的觀點。在對擴展速度非常慢的西南印度洋和北冰洋山脊 體系進行考察期間,科學家發現了一個以前不知道的海洋山脊類型。超慢擴展山脊 在机械上与兩种已知類型(快速和慢速)截然不同,它們是在地幔上涌的有效擴展 速度降到大約每年 12 毫米以下時形成的。這些超慢擴展山脊包括共存的岩漿增長和 非岩漿增長部分,后者是以前人們不知道的一种增長邊界結构。 ( Articles, p. 405; News and Views ) 机制 mechanism 海床擴展 sea-floor spreading 擴展速度 spreading rate 北冰洋山脊 Arctic Ridge 超慢擴展山脊 ultraslow spreading ridge 地幔上涌 mantle upwelling 共存的 co-existing 岩漿增長 magmatic accretion or addition 增長邊界 accretionary boundary

海洋山脊形成的新机制 New mechanism for the formation of ocean ridges 最近對海床中最遙遠、相對來說也是最難以到達的一些地方 所做的觀測,有可能改變當前關于海床擴展机制的觀點。 Recent observations (or A recent observation) in the most remote and least accessible ocean floor may have (significantly) changed the current viewpoint (or hypothesis) on (about) the mechanism of sea-floor spreading.

在對擴展速度非常慢的西南印度洋和北冰洋山脊 體系進行考察期間,科學家發現了一個以前不知道的海 洋山脊類型。 During the investigation (or excursion) in the Southwest Indian Ocean and Arctic Ridges, (both of) which are known for their very slow spreading, (the) scientists have discovered another type of ocean ridge which is not known heretofore (before).

超慢擴展山脊在机械上与兩种已知類型(快速和慢速) 截然不同,它們是在地幔上涌的有效擴展速度降到大約 每年 12 毫米以下時形成的。 With respect to the mechanism, the formation of ultraslow spreading ridges is completely different from that of the other two (well-)known types - fast and slow spreading ridges. The ultraslow spreading ridges were produced (or formed) when the effective spreading induced by the mantle upwelling was slowed down to (a rate of) 12 mm/yr.

這些超慢擴展山脊包括共存的岩漿增長和非岩漿增長部 分,后者是以前人們不知道的一种增長邊界結构。 These ultraslow spreading ridges comprise (or contain, consist of, include) the two co-existing components (or parts) of magmatic and non- magmatic accretion. The latter is an accretionary boundary structure (or complex) which is unrecognized until the present.

Complete translation New mechanism for the formation of ocean ridges Recent observations in the most remote and least accessible ocean floor may have significantly changed the current viewpoint on the mechanism of sea-floor spreading. During the investigation in the Southwest Indian Ocean and Arctic Ridges, both of which are known for their very slow spreading, scientists have discovered another type of ocean ridge which is not known in the past. With respect to the mechanism, the formation of ultraslow spreading ridges is completely different from that of the other two known types - fast and slow spreading ridges. The ultraslow spreading ridges were formed when the effective spreading induced by the mantle upwelling was slowed down to 12 mm/yr. These ultraslow spreading ridges comprise the two co-existing components of magmatic and non-magmatic accretion. The latter is an accretionary boundary structure which is unrecognized until the present.

OnLine English The examples below are excerpts from texts in which OnLine English made many changes. OnLine English thanks clients for their generosity in granting permission for the use of these texts. The following excerpts show examples of ‘Before’ (in blue) and ‘After’ (in red); (the text as originally sent by the author and the text as returned to the author). Please note that, with the return of all documents, authors have ample opportunity to discuss changes to their documents so that further modifications can be made. This process ensures that the paper or document conveys an author’s precise and intended meaning and results in a final version that is the best possible. In this process, authors often acknowledge an increase in their understanding of English usage.

Before (original document) First of all, personal computer supply to the public has increased up to 5 million sets such that about one out of two families in xxxxx has a personal computer. About 20 % of those personal computers are interconnected to the public telecommunication system so as to utilize PC on-line service. Moreover, domestic subscription of the Internet, the worldwide computer communication network, is continuously increasing. As a result, the PC communication is becoming a necessary tool providing the new realm of life. Company documents

First of all, personal computer supply to the public has increased up to 5 million sets such that about one out of two families in xxxxx has a personal computer. About 20 % of those personal computers are interconnected to the public telecommunication system so as to utilize PC on-line service. Moreover, domestic subscription of the Internet, the worldwide computer communication network, is continuously increasing. As a result, the PC communication is becoming a necessary tool providing the new realm of life. After First of all, the number of personal computers (PCs) supplied to the public has increased to five million sets, so that about one in every two families in xxxxx has a personal computer. About 20 per cent of these are interconnected via the public telecommunication system so as to utilize PC on-line services. Moreover, domestic subscriptions to the Internet, the worldwide computer communication network, are constantly increasing. As a result, PC-based communication is becoming a necessary tool, creating new realms in daily life.

Before Obviously, the results from the experiments with single strain (= ancestry, family) of yeast and the bacteria in the defined culture broth could not be compared that of multiple species of yeasts and thermophilic bacteria in extremely complex material such as food waste. However, our data provided indirect evidence for the mechanism of stimulation of thermophilic bacteria by growing yeasts. Biotechnology

Before Obviously, the results from the experiments with single strain of yeast and the bacteria in the defined culture broth could not be compared that of multiple species of yeasts and thermophilic bacteria in extremely complex material such as food waste. However, our data provided indirect evidence for the mechanism of stimulation of thermophilic bacteria by growing yeasts. After Obviously, the results from the experiments with single strains of yeast and bacteria in the defined culture broth can hardly be compared with all the interactions between multiple species of yeasts and thermophilic bacteria in an extremely complex material such as food waste. However, our data did provide indirect evidence for the mechanism of stimulation of thermophilic bacteria by growing yeasts.

Before During the all development phases of software system life-cycle, it is a inevitable phenomenon that many documents that retains many relationship to others would be generated. Furthermore, because of the evolutionary nature of the software development process, each document must exist in a number of versions. Keeping track of relationship between versions of different documents is a major source of problems to those involved in software engineering. Computer science

Before During the all development phases of software system life-cycle, it is a inevitable phenomenon that many documents that retains many relationship to others would be generated. Furthermore, because of the evolutionary nature of the software development process, each document must exist in a number of versions. Keeping track of relationship between versions of different documents is a major source of problems to those involved in software engineering. After During development phases in the life-cycles of software systems, the generation of a number of documents retaining relationships to others is an inevitable phenomenon. Furthermore, because of the evolutionary nature of the software development process, each document exists in a number of versions. Keeping track of relationships between versions of different documents is a major problem for software engineers.

While there is wide generality of freezing injury mechanism, there are also exceptions on the cause of freezing injury depending upon species: chilling sensitive materials may be injured prior to freezing if slow rate of cooling is applied, some of animal cells are sensitive to dehydration itself at lesser degrees that do not yet bring close approach of membranes, some bacterial materials adapt equilibrium freezing by avoiding close approach of membranes but are injured by effect of concentrated solution during prolonged cryopreservation, and some tissues of higher plants are injured by intracellular freezing by breakdown of supercooling even after freezing by extremely slow rate of cooling. Effects of climate

While there is wide generality of freezing injury mechanism, there are also exceptions on the cause of freezing injury depending upon species: chilling sensitive materials may be injured prior to freezing if slow rate of cooling is applied, some of animal cells are sensitive to dehydration itself at lesser degrees that do not yet bring close approach of membranes, some bacterial materials adapt equilibrium freezing by avoiding close approach of membranes but are injured by effect of concentrated solution during prolonged cryopreservation, and some tissues of higher plants are injured by intracellular freezing by breakdown of supercooling even after freezing by extremely slow rate of cooling. While this freezing injury mechanism is widespread, there are also other causes of freezing injury depending upon the species involved: chill- sensitive materials may be injured prior to freezing if a slow rate of cooling is applied; some animal cells are sensitive to dehydration at temperatures that do not result in the close approach of membranes; some bacterial materials adapt to equilibrium freezing by avoiding the close approach of membranes, but are injured by the effect of the concentrated solution used during prolonged cryopreservation; some tissues of higher plants are injured by intracellular freezing as a result of the breakdown of supercooling, even after freezing using an extremely slow rate of cooling.

Before This paper presents a method which aims at these points. Here, especially, the component of rule generation is discussed which bases on a special evolutionary concept. The rule base is generated by an incremental collecting of individual rules. The structure of the rules is flexible by a free number of linguistic statements in the premises (= argument, hypothesis). Negations in the premise are possible. Beside positive rules also negative rules are generated which warn of or forbid certain output values. Electrical engineering

Before This paper presents a method which aims at these points. Here, especially, the component of rule generation is discussed which bases on a special evolutionary concept. The rule base is generated by an incremental collecting of individual rules. The structure of the rules is flexible by a free number of linguistic statements in the premises. Negations in the premise are possible. Beside positive rules also negative rules are generated which warn of or forbid certain output values. After This paper presents a method that aims to address these points. The rule generation component in particular is discussed and is based on a special evolutionary concept. The rule base is generated by the incremental collection of individual rules. The structure of the rules is flexible using a free number of linguistic statements in the premise. Negations in the premise are possible. Positive rules as well as negative rules are generated, which warn of or forbid certain output values.

In this case, conventional cutting tool materials such as high speed steel and tungsten carbide can not machine above materials in the sense of cutting tool life, and grinding process is used for finish machining. By changing to hard turning, the elimination of subsequent grinding may result in productivity increases of several times. Particularly, cutting tools in CNC lathes can be used for a variety of different machining tasks and complex geometrical profiles compared to formed grinding wheel. Good surface integrity of machined parts is another consideration of hard turning. Geometric accuracy is very high and surface roughness is less than 1.0. The residual stresses occurred by hard turning may be expected to lie within the compressive range that is more favorable. Therefore, the wear resistance in automobile parts applied by fatigue load is increased due to compressive stress [2-3]. However, cutting tool is subjected to the extremes of stress and temperature. Thus, tool life is shorten due to the mechanical and thermal stresses as well as chemical reactions. Mechanical engineering

In this case, conventional cutting tool materials such as high speed steel and tungsten carbide can not machine above materials in the sense of cutting tool life, and grinding process is used for finish machining. By changing to hard turning, the elimination of subsequent grinding may result in productivity increases of several times. Particularly, cutting tools in CNC lathes can be used for a variety of different machining tasks and complex geometrical profiles compared to formed grinding wheel. Good surface integrity of machined parts is another consideration of hard turning. Geometric accuracy is very high and surface roughness is less than 1.0. The residual stresses occurred by hard turning may be expected to lie within the compressive range that is more favorable. Therefore, the wear resistance in automobile parts applied by fatigue load is increased due to compressive stress [2-3]. However, cutting tool is subjected to the extremes of stress and temperature. Thus, tool life is shorten due to the mechanical and thermal stresses as well as chemical reactions. Conventional cutting tool materials, such as high-speed steel and tungsten carbide, are unsuitable for machining hardened materials because of reduced cutting tool life, and a grinding process is used for finish machining. With a change to hard turning, the elimination of subsequent grinding may increase productivity several times. Moreover, cutting tools in CNC lathes can be used for a wider variety of machining tasks and complex geometrical profiles, compared to a formed grinding wheel. Good surface integrity of machined parts is another consideration in favour of hard turning. Geometric accuracy is very high and surface roughness is less than 1.0. The residual stresses incurred by hard turning may be expected to lie within the compressive range, which is more favourable; for example, in automobile parts under fatigue load, wear resistance is increased due to compressive stress [2-3]. However, in hard turning the cutting tool is subjected to extremes of stress and temperature. Thus, tool life is shortened due to high mechanical and thermal stresses as well as accelerated chemical reactions.

This study attempted to determine the effect and optimal application time of lidocaine tape (xxxxxxxx xxxxx) for blood withdrawal. Blood was withdrawn from veins in antecubital fossa of 8 healthy volunteers with 19 gauge butterfly needles for 3 to 6 times with longer than 14 day interval. The patch was not applied before the first withdrawal, but applied before other withdrawals for 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes. Visual analog scores (VAS) during venepuncture (T1) and needle withdrawal (T3) inversely related to the duration of patch, but not did that of blood withdrawal (T2). Medicine

This study attempted to determine the effect and optimal application time of lidocaine tape (xxxxxxxx xxxxx) for blood withdrawal. Blood was withdrawn from veins in antecubital fossa of 8 healthy volunteers with 19 gauge butterfly needles for 3 to 6 times with longer than 14 day interval. The patch was not applied before the first withdrawal, but applied before other withdrawals for 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes. Visual analog scores (VAS) during venepuncture (T1) and needle withdrawal (T3) inversely related to the duration of patch, but not did that of blood withdrawal (T2). This study attempted to determine the effect and optimal application time of lidocaine tape (xxxxxxx xxxxx) for blood withdrawal. Blood was withdrawn 3 to 6 times at intervals of greater than 14 days from veins in the antecubital fossa of 8 healthy volunteers using a 19-gauge butterfly needle. The patch was not applied before the first withdrawal, but applied before each of the other withdrawals for 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes. Visual analog scores (VAS) during venipuncture (T1) and needle withdrawal (T3) were inversely related to the duration of patch application, but the duration of patch application did not affect the VAS during blood withdrawal (T2).

Sulfate conjugation generally results in a decrease of biological activity and increase of excretion rate of the acceptor compound. In several cases, however, sulfation enhances the activity of compounds, such as cholecystokinin (8), hirudin (21), and the antihypertensive agent minoxidil (6). Pharmacology

Before Sulfate conjugation generally results in a decrease of biological activity and increase of excretion rate of the acceptor compound. In several cases, however, sulfation enhances the activity of compounds, such as cholecystokinin (8), hirudin (21), and the antihypertensive agent minoxidil (6). After Sulfate conjugation generally results in a decrease in biological activity and an increase in the excretion rate of the acceptor compound. In several cases, however, sulfation enhances the activity of compounds such as cholecystokinin (8), hirudin (21), and the antihypertensive agent, minoxidil (6).