The Preaching of the Apostle Paul 1 Thessalonians 2:11-20
Something To Think About The enemies of the gospel were having a “hey day” in Thessalonica after Paul and his party left. Their conduct and motives are represented in the most unfavorable light. We can only surmise what was said or done from Paul’s writings. Evidently, these people were saying that anyone who represented a religious cause was in it for prestige, financial gain, or some hidden (improper) reason. They could not imagine anyone undertaking any course of action simply for the purpose of helping others. All of the sacrifices by Paul and his companions were, to them, just a “front” for some underlying ulterior motive.
KEY VERSE 1 Thessalonians 2:13 “For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe”.
Lesson Objectives To analyze Paul’s message To evaluate the effect of Paul’s message To present this message to the lost
PAUL’S EXHORTATION OF DIRECTION 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 Paul’s Fatherly Concern (11) Deuteronomy 6:6-9 Psalm 103:13 Isaiah 66:13 Paul’s Fatherly Command (12) Colossians 1:13 1 Corinthians 4:20 Romans 14:17
So much of what we are looking at now in 1 Thessalonians could be called a follow-up course for believers. How very vital is the need for building up and stabilizing new believers. So many churches pray long and hard and work diligently to get a person to accept Christ. Then, all too often, no further attention is given the new convert. Perhaps the most important time in the life of a new believer is immediately after conversion. Teaching that person about Bible study, a proper devotional life, prayer, worship, praise, and stewardship of all of life is of great importance
PAUL’S EXPRESSION OF THANKS 1 Thessalonians 2:13-14 The Reception of the Word of God (13) The Reaction to the Word of God (14)
There are many Christians in the world today who are suffering for the cause of Christ. Believers in China, Pakistan, Algeria, and many other countries suffer terribly. Many are imprisoned and some even lose their lives. Punishment and restrictions against Christians take place right here in our own country. It is difficult to get a building permit for mission churches in many cities. In some cities, there are laws against having a religious meeting, even a prayer meeting, of any kind in one’s home. We will no doubt see more and more open persecution of Christians. May God help us to face it heroically as did the Judean and Thessalonian Christians.
PAUL’S EXPOSURE OF THE JEWS 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16 The Persecution of the Godly (15) Isaiah 53:6 Acts 7:52 Matthew 23:31,37 The Prevention of the Gospel (16)
It is extremely serious business to hinder the salvation of another person. That is what the Jews had done and were continuing to do during the ministry of Paul. People who find their names on the church roll, but are not really Christ-followers deter others from the grace of God. Apathy in the heart of Christians moves them to inaction and silence. Others with good intentions, but in their own strength, try to proclaim God’s goodness, but do more harm than good. May our lives and behaviors— through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit—never hinder the conversion of anyone.
PAUL’S EXPECTATION OF FELLOWSHIP 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 Paul’s Heart (17) Paul’s Hindrance (18) Paul’s Hope (19-20)
Will you have any trophies of grace to lay at the feet of Jesus? Do you know of anyone who was converted because of your life or testimony? Have you ever personally spoken to anyone about coming to Jesus? Paul’s excitement was that he would have converts from Thessalonica in heaven.
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY AND DISCUSSION 1. How would you describe Paul’s attitude toward the Thessalonians to whom he ministered? 2. How did the Thessalonians accept Paul’s message? 3. Did the Thessalonians “walk worthy of God”? Cite evidence. Do you? 4. In what ways had the church in Thessalonica become a follower of the churches in Judea? In what ways had the Thessalonian believers suffered? In what ways have you suffered for Jesus? 5. Why did the Jews forbid Paul to preach to the Gentiles? 6. What was Paul’s hope, joy, and crown of rejoicing?
May God Bless You For Coming To Sunday School This Morning! Bring Someone With You To Bible Study On Wednesday Night!
Acknowledgements Applications taken from Bible Teacher Bible Studies for Adults—Fall Edition (2011) This power point slide presentation may be altered by additions or deletions to fit your own teaching style. There is more information in viewing Note Pages Click on View then Note Pages Presentation Compiled For Randall House By Earl Scroggins