. In 2008 we had 216 Road traffic accidents (i.e. Reversing, rollover, collision and others) 30 related to disobeying/missing of Road signs which resulted of lost of lives, Injuries, properties damage and time spend for the investigations. All could have been prevented by applying basic rules and regulations. Here there…….. Road Signs
Left Hand Junction Sign “3-Arm” junction on the Lekhwair - Ibri blacktop road, approximately 15km to the Lekhwair roundabout. – Rollover – 1 LTI
Left Hand Bend Sign The driver tried to negotiate the left hand bend in an excessive speed. The driver disobeyed with the posted warning traffic signs (Left hand bend, speed limit sign “50” kph.) - Rollover
Give Way Driver did not stop and give way to the vehicles on the main road while entering from the minor/side road. - Collision 1 2
Warning Bend Sign lack of hazard perception, excessive speed and inappropriate vehicle handling (reckless driving). “S” shape bend - Rollover
Failure to Follow the Signs The driver failed to maintain the speed according to the actual road conditions (“S” bend, downhill, sand storm – impaired visibility) - Rollover
Left Hand Bend Excessive speed for the road condition-sharp bend - Rollover
Give Way Failed to give way to the Vehicle 2 - Collision
Left bend Speed Limiter System not working – Device removed Excessive speed Tiredness - Driving after working night shift - Rollover 1 Fatal
STOP Sign Disobeyed with the posted warning signs while approaching the ‘T’ junction – Collision – 1 LTI 1 2
STOP Sign Missing Lack of appropriate warning traffic signs ( “Junction ahead” and “STOP” signs missing). - Rollover
Cross Road Vehicle 1 left turning manoeuvre without checking mirrors and traffic Behind Vehicle 2 overtaking manoeuvre without realizing a potential hazard ahead (slowing down vehicle). - Collision 1 2
Chevron Sign The vehicle approaching the ‘’T’’ junction at excessive speed Driving under the influence of alcohol - Collision
Right Hand bend Sign Missing Advanced warning sign “sharp bend ahead” was not posted before the bend. - Rollover
Chevron Missing Dark (night time driving). Road condition: Graded road with right bend, lack of chevron sign “Sharp Deviation to the Right”. Driver disobeyed with the 60 kph speed limit for driving at night on the graded roads. - Collision
Parking/No Parking Sign Missing No signs that allow or forbid the parking - Collision
STOP Sign The driver of the Vehicle 1 didn’t stop at the STOP sign and failed to give way to the Vehicle 2, which was travelling on the main road. Collision 1 2
STOP Sign Excessive speed for the actual driving conditions (night time, “T” junction approach). Poor road observation – the driver didn’t notice the “T” junction on time. Collision – 2 LTI
STOP Sign The driver of the Vehicle 1 didn’t stop at the STOP sign and failed to give way to the Vehicle 2, which was travelling on the main road. Collision 12
No Speed Breaker at the Roundabout Absence of sufficient speed breakers and appropriate speed sign boards at the approach of the roundabout - Rollover
STOP Sign The Vehicle 2 disobeyed the posted traffic sign “STOP”. He emerged from the minor road onto the main road without stopping or giving way to the traffic on the main road. Collision
STOP Sign Junction design: missing rumble strips, junction not lit at night, missing Reflective signs at the junction. Collision - LTI
Absence Sign Absence of adequate warning signs for the slope and bend Rollover – 1LTI
STOP Sign Driver did not stop at the STOP sign while merging onto the highway from the parking area slip road. sharply over steered to the right and applied brakes causing the water in the tank to move to the left side, - Rollover
Turn at High Speed Started a right turning manoeuvre with the heavy loaded vehicle without slowing down properly before the junction - Collision
STOP Sign Entered a junction without stopping at the STOP sign – Collision 34 LTI 2 1
Short Cut The accident scene – The point where the vehicle went off the road No traffic warning – 1 LTI
STOP Sign Driver didn’t stop at the posted ‘STOP’ sign before emerging onto the main road. - Rollover
Overtaking on Junction The Vehicle 2 driver started an overtaking manoeuvre of the left turning Vehicle 1. - Collision 1 2
STOP Sign Driver didn’t stop at the STOP sign - Rollover
T- Junction The Bus Driver attempted to turn left off the road at a T-junction when he was hit by another vehicle -2 LTI
Safe Distance- Speed Limit Driver 1 failed to judge the speed of the vehicle in front and approached it at excessive speed as he didn’t follow the speed restriction for driving on graded roads of 80 kph. - Collision 1 2
Recommendations Road signs means instructions you should obeyed. Highlights the hazards via HSE meetings, tool box talks and drivers forum. All missing Signs should be reported to local Construction Engineering OXE/34M/N/B/Q/F/L/Y or Line HSE Advisors. Rules enforcement: MUST be apply as per consequence matrix as an example for others