Effective Theory of Cosmological SUSY Breaking Principles of CSB: 1.C.C. Discrete Input Controlling No. Physical States in de Sitter Space-Time 2. SUSY.


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Presentation transcript:

Effective Theory of Cosmological SUSY Breaking Principles of CSB: 1.C.C. Discrete Input Controlling No. Physical States in de Sitter Space-Time 2. SUSY Restored 3. Limiting Theory Has Compact Moduli Space and Proto- Goldstino: Here Chiral Field G

In Low Energy Terms Limiting Theory Is SUSic, R-Symmetric Explains Absence of W(G) Masslessness of G Also Requires No M With Latter Requirement Hard to Satisfy R Symmetry is Also Useful to Forbid D=4,5 Terms Which Violate B,L Except For Which Gives Neutrino Masses Physics of Neutrino Masses and Flavor at Unification Scale

Will Need Irrelevant Couplings in Deus EX Horizonae: X Std. Model Singlet, Flavor Singlet, Composites SUSY Breaking,, if and K gg* Has Minimum at, Much Smaller Than Planck Scale Breaking? Kahler Potential, K, Contributions To V(H)

Bounds on Chargino Masses Discrete Symmetry for Mu Term: Lowest Holo. Invariant Origin of K, z_i : Strongly Coupled SUSY Gauge Theory, Scale Must Preserve R and Discrete Symmetries Std. Model Part of Global Group: R,, Flavor Preserved: Easy, But All Examples Have M With Charge 2

Term : SUSY Unbroken Even If Example: SUSY QCD,,, No-Go Theorem? Or Relatively Unique Solution? Bonus: If Auto-CP Conserving, Origin of and Phase in : Solves Strong CP w/o Axion or Massless Up Quark

DARK MATTER No Neutralino or Axion Dark Matter: Plausible Candidate Baryon Works if Right Asymmetry: Possible Explanation of Can Also Explain Coincidence Between and As Well As Cosmic Coincidence, By Weinberg’s Galaxy Bound, Assuming High EnergyTheory Explains

SUMMARY CSB Leads To Attractive Low Energy Phenomenology and Solves Most Problems of Low Energy SUSY. Breaking and Higgs Mass Depend on K, and Thus On Unknown Strong Dynamics Biggest Problem: Find a Model Which Generates a Scale, Preserves R Symmetry And Has No Low Energy Field of Charge 2. Alternative: G, Composite of Charge 0 In Such An R Preserving Model

NEWSFLASH: A MODEL SU(5) SUSY QCD With N F = 5: Std. Model Embedded in SU(5) V G = Q A Q A = tr M Has R charge 0. Theory Generates K, z i But Not G H u H d : µ Problem, No Extra Contribs. To V(H) Possible Cure With Elementary Singlet S, Coupling to H_u H_d and tr (Y + (2 or -3))M. Solution of Strong CP Problem Gone, but Apparent Solution To Little Hierarchy Problem Results Preliminary, Watch for Further Developments