Exploration of Viewpoints of Teaching Biological Origins in Relation to Requiring that Evolution Creationism and Intelligent Design be included in Science School Curriculum
Evolution is a slow, gradual process by which life has developed from non- living material into animal and plant life through random natural selection.
. 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Creationism, the belief that God oversaw the creation of all living things over the course of six days, draws upon the Bible's book of Genesis for support The United States is still the center of creationist ideas and beliefs. About 40 percent of American citizens reject evolution and believe in creationism. As many as 100 million Americans, one-third of the fundamentalist Christians and ethical considerations and religious beliefs are among the most important contexts of American life. Seven out of Ten Americans say they prey once a week.
Intelligent Design is the belief that the complexities of life could not have occurred by chance, but rather can be attributed to action of an entity “designer” that could be anything or anyone. The origin of life cannot be based on religious authority or natural selection such as evolution.
Separation of Church and State
Scopes Monkey Trial Tennessee biology teacher John Scopes was charged with teaching evolution, a crime at the time in many states.
Epperson v Arkansas 1968 the court ruled that states cannot forbid the teaching of evolution. Edwards v Aquillard the court decided schools in Louisiana should not give equal time to teaching creationism and evolution. According to the first amendment of the United States Constitution, it is illegal for an organization controlled by the United States government such as the public schools to support or reject any religion. Separation of Church and state.
Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover School Board teachers were required to make a statement that there problems in Darwin’s Theory required to announce to their biology classes that “INTELLIGENT DESIGN” is a alternative explanation. CREATIONISM Intelligent Design could not separate itself from creationism in the eyes of the courts
Harris Poll – 2005 (evolution) "how human beings came to be“ – 22% of those polled chose the evolutionist response – 64% picked "Human beings were created directly by God.“ – 14% picked other options what should be taught in public schools – 12% said that only evolutionist theory should be taught – 23% said that only the creationist account—that human beings were created directly by God—should be taught – 4%—favored teaching only "Intelligent Design“ "human beings are so complex that they required a powerful force or intelligent being to help create them") – majority—55%—thought all three accounts—evolution, creationism and intelligent design—should be taught in public schools
Harris Poll – 2006 (evolution) According to creationists, years ago that God created life on Earth 6,000 Year that Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution to explain humankind's origins 1859 Poll respondents who favor teaching creationism along with evolution in public schools 68% Respondents who oppose teaching creationism along with evolution 29% Respondents who favor teaching creationism instead of evolution in public schools 40% Respondents who oppose teaching creationism instead of evolution 55%
Does increasing the teachers knowledge about evolution and the nature of science affect their preference for the teaching of evolution.
After graduation majority (57%) of biology teachers preferred that students ‘‘believe and/or accept’’ some amount of creationism 9% of biology teachers preferred that students believe creationism exclusively 43% preferred that students believe evolution exclusively 48% of biology teachers preferred that students believe both evolution and creationism teacher opinions pre- and post course indicated no significant change in belief preferences 10 of 42 teachers did change their positions on what students should believe – 32 ties – 6 negative ranks (moved to evolution only) – 4 positive ranks (moved to both evolution and creationism) majority of teachers continued to prefer that students believe in creationism to some degree
Students description of their high school Biology class A- Description B- Percentage of Students agreeing with the description of Biology Majors C. Percentage of Students agreeing with the description of Non-Biology Major 1. My high school biology class included evolution not creationism. B C My high school biology class included creationism not evolution My high school biology class included both creationism and evolution My high school biology class included neither creationism or evolution. 6 13
The perception of students and teachers about the teaching of evolution in Minnesota public schools. Did your high school biology class include: TeachersStudents evolution but not creationism 6653 creationism but not evolution 23 evolution and creationism 2022 neither evolution or creationism 1222 Did your high school emphasize: evolution but not creationism 5236 creationism but not evolution 221 evolution and creationism 2025 neither evolution or creationism 2618
The perception of students and teachers about the teaching of evolution in Minnesota public schools. If your class included or emphasized evolution, about how many class periods were devoted to evolution? TeachersStudents more than If your class included or emphasized creationism, about how many class periods were devoted to creationism? more than 20 00
The perception of students and teachers about the teaching of evolution in Minnesota public schools. Cont’ Would you liked your biology course to include/emphasize: TeachersStudents more evolution 43 less evolution 13 about the same amount of evolution 44 Would you liked your biology course to include/emphasize: more creationism 39 less creationism 17 about the same amount of creationism 44
High School Biology Teachers’ Personal Beliefs Concerning Human Origins, Compared with a Representative Sample of the General Public, Spring 2007
Not covered17%2%75% 1-235%9%18% 3-525% 5% %26%1% %18%1% %11%1% 20 hours or more2%9%0% Total100% Hours Devoted to Human Evolution, General Evolution, and Creationism or Hours Devoted to Human Evolution, General Evolution, and Creationism or Intelligent Design in High School Biology Classes, 2007 HOURSHuman EvolutionGeneral Evolutionary processes Creationism or Intelligent Design
Great Britain, France, Ireland and Canada do not present evolution as a fact but instead as a convincing scientific theory. Australia, science teachers are permitted to discuss both creationism and evolution. South Africa rarely mentions evolution and Japan evolution is optional.