Chancellor of Justice of Estonia as Ombudsman for Children Examples of activities in
(I) Inspection visits to substitute homes and analysis of institutional care for children in Estonia (2013) - the-rights-of-children-in-substitute-homes-are-guaranteed the-rights-of-children-in-substitute-homes-are-guaranteed
(I) Children deprived of parental care in Estonia (2011) Children in institutional care – (of whom 446 with disability) Children in foster families – 329 Children in guardianship families – 179 Children in adoptive families – (of whom 17 with disability)
(I) Inspection visits to substitute homes (2011 – 2012) We visited 18 substitute homes out of managed by county government, 9 by local governments, 8 by NGOs. Largest institution was for 57 children; smallest institution for 5 children. Altogether 527 children live in visited institutions, of whom we interviewed 93.
(I) Analysis of institutional care for children in Estonia (2013) Main findings and recommendations: In family units there are more children and less staff than required by law. Need for minimum standard and cost-based financing. Local governments as legal guardians of children are insufficiently commited to supporting children while in institutional care. Quality of state supervision differs across counties.
(II) Work towards prohibition of corporal punishment of the child ( )
(II) Public address to the Minister of Social Affairs (2012) Aim was to amend the Child Protection Act to forbid all forms of violence against children, including explicitly corporal punishment of the child. Preparation with Children’s Advisory Committee. 31 organizations and institutions joined. the-minister-of-social-affairs-on-prohibition-of-corporal the-minister-of-social-affairs-on-prohibition-of-corporal
(II) Other activities to end corporal punishment of the child (2013) Counselling booklet on ways of obtaining psychological and psychiatric help - parents-to-seek-specialist-help; parents-to-seek-specialist-help Series of articles by professionals on child rearing without violence; …