EDD 5161A Educational Communications and Technology Lecturer : Dr. Lee Fong Lok PowerPoint Presentation Package Subject : Geography Topic : Tropical Rain Forest Due Date :
Group no : 15 Group members 1. Chan Suk Ying ( ) 2. Lam Kin Yan ( ) ( They are responsible for collecting the information in composing the presentation package. They also compile the content of the package.) 3. Man Ho Wai ( ) (He is responsible for collecting the information in composing the presentation package. He also select and arrange the content of the package. He is the author of the PowerPoint.)
Analyze learners : Class : F.2 (Total : 40 students) Age : 14 Grade : band 3 Attitude : eager for learning, active and interest in learning Geography Student's way of learning : Sequential and concrete (logical classification and demonstration) Time : 2 Lessons (80 min)
State objectives : After the lesson, students should be able to 1. describe the spatial pattern of tropical rain forest and identify the uniqueness of location of tropical rain forest. 2. understand the climatic condition of the tropical rain forest 3. recognize the structure of forest vegetation 4. explain the climate-vegetation relationship 5. reading and interpreting the materials from the maps, photos and climatic graphs.
The PowerPoint is for lecturing, not for self learning. The slides are accompanied with the CD ROM and Internet while they are used Remarks:
TROPICAL RAINFOREST (TRF) 2.Climate 3.Vegetation 1.Location
Tropical rainforests are located around the equator Largest Rainforest: - Brazil (Amazon Basin) Location of Tropical Rainforest Other Rainforest: - Central, South America, - West and Central Africa, - Southeast Asia
Interactive Internet Game Amazon Interactive Where's the Amazon? Location of Tropical Rainforest Fact Sheet Where are tropical rainforests? Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 99 Tropical Rainforests Distribution
Near Equator Where? Latitude: 5º North & South OK? GO!
High Temperature Climate of TRF High Rainfall Equatorial Climate WHY? Related to Location?
max temperature min temperature max rainfall min rainfall annual range of temperature Climatic Graph Climatic Graph
Fact Sheet How is the climate in the rainforest ? The Virtual Rainforest -- Climate Rainforest Weather Amazon Interactive How rainy is the rainforest?
Hot & Wet Climate? Equatorial Climate OK? GO!
Vegetation Characteristics Evergreen, Tall WHY? Related to Climate?
Emergent Layer Canopy Middle layer Forest Floor Tree Structure Four Layers Four Layers
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 99 Stratification (4 Layers) Vertical Stratification of Tropical Rainforest Cyber Tour of TRF (360º views in different Layers) Virtual Tour Tropical Rainforest
Interactive Internet Game Layers of the Rainforest Characteristics of Trees Fact Sheet Rainforest Layers
Vegetation Characteristics Vegetation Tree LayersOK? GO!
Revision on TRF Internet Trip Cyber Field Trip in TRF Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 99 Tropical Rainforest Basic Information of TRF