Rain Forest Module 2A Unit 1 Lesson 1 Building Background Knowledge: Examining the Unique Living Things of the Rainforests and the Scientists Who Study Them Based upon lessons created by Expeditionary Learning Stephen J. O’Connor ccss5.com
I can listen effectively to my partner when sharing. I can record what I notice and wonder about during a Gallery Walk. I can compare and contrast texts and images about rainforests. I can describe in writing a unique living thing from the rainforest. I can explain how scientists communicate their research about the rainforest. I can explain the general purpose of an informational text. Learning Targets
I can listen effectively to my partner when sharing. Learning Targets
Independently brainstorm what you know about rain forests and record what you know in your KWL chart.
Share with a partner what you know already.
Focus of Module You are going to become researchers and scientists in order to learn more about the unique life that exists in the rainforests. You also will be building your skills as readers and writers. As you study the rainforest, you also will be learning even more about how to read informational text and write effectively to communicate with others.
As a group brainstorm what you want to know about rain forests and record what you know in your KWL chart.
Begin a new page in their journals titled: Notices and Wonders—Scientific Research in Rainforests
I can record what I notice and wonder about during a Gallery Walk. I can compare and contrast texts and images about rainforests. Learning Targets
The culture and customs of the Muruts are uniquely distinguishable from other groups in Sabah. They too use blowpipe for hunting and attacking enemies.The Murut men in the past liked to fight fearlessness to prove he is more courageous than others. Before marriage the men must go to the war, with at least one trophy to bring back to show he is ready to look after his own family. The trophy is none other than the head of their enemy. According to the Murut culture values, one must respects another and always unite with family and relatives. As in marriage, the bride family may ask the bridegroom for 20 big jars, 20 small jars, 10 water buffaloes and RM10, or more in cash as gift. In a funeral, the family must wait for at least seven days before they bury their loved one. Sometimes, funeral day could reach two weeks or even one month so that relatives and friends from afar can come to pay last respect. Those days, the Muruts used big jar as coffin.
I can explain how scientists communicate their research about the rainforest. I can explain the general purpose of an informational text. Learning Targets
Pretend you are a scientific team working in the rainforest. Talk with your partner about how you would explain, or describe, what you are doing or seeing to someone who wasn’t there.
Write a brief paragraph in their journal describing what they are doing or seeing in the photograph.
I can explain the general purpose of an informational text. Learning Targets
Informational Texts
I can listen effectively to my partner when sharing. I can record what I notice and wonder about during a Gallery Walk. I can compare and contrast texts and images about rainforests. I can describe in writing a unique living thing from the rainforest. I can explain how scientists communicate their research about the rainforest. I can explain the general purpose of an informational text. Learning Targets
What are you most excited about learning about the rainforest and why?
You will not only be learning about the rainforest. You will also be learning about how scientists research and communicate your findings. At the end of the module, you will get to be scientists and communicate what you have learned to others.
Words and phrases that show the characters’ actions, thoughts, and feelings Words and phrases to clearly identify the setting Words/phrases from the UDHR your group is focusing on Words and phrases that make clear transitions between events and scenes
Rehearse your Readers Theater Scripts Consider the feedback they received Determine as a group what they will change about their performance based on the feedback Practice reading through their scripts