Rainforests Ellen 2004 Ellen 2004
What is a Rainforest? A rainforest is an environment that receives high rainfall, and has many tall trees. There are two types of rainforests: Temperate and Tropical.
World Rainforests This map shows tropical rainforests
Australian Rainforests
Minnamurra Rainforest Minnamurra Rainforest is near Jamberoo. It is a warm temperate rainforest.
Rainforest Layers Rainforests can be divided into “layers” from the top to the bottom. Emergents Canopy Understorey Forest Floor
Emergent Layer The tallest trees are the emergents, growing as much as 50 metres above the forest floor with trunks that measure up to 4 metres around. Most of these trees are broad-leaved, hardwood evergreens. This layer receives a lot of sunlight.
Canopy Layer This is the main layer of the forest, and forms a roof over the lower layers. Most canopy trees have smooth, oval leaves that come to a point. Many animals such as snakes, toucans and tree-frogs live in this area, since there is a lot of food.
Understorey Layer Not very much sunshine reaches this area, so the plants have to grow larger leaves to reach the sunlight. Many animals live here, including jaguars (not in Australia), tree frogs and lots of insects.
Forest Floor Layer Down here it’s very dark, so almost no plants grow. On the forest floor things begin to decay quickly - for example a leaf can decompose in 6 weeks. Bush Turkeys and Lyrebirds live in this layer.
Fauna Life in the rainforest is filled with predator/prey relationships. This helps to keep the food chain balanced.
Flora More then 2/3 of the world’s plant species are found in tropical rainforests. Scientists have used many rainforest plants to make medicines.
Why are they important to us? Rainforests turn carbon dioxide into oxygen and reduce the greenhouse affect. Rainforests plants provide sources of medicines. Rainforests are the only home of many rare animals.
Why are they becoming extinct? The biggest causes of rainforest destruction are logging and mining, and clearing for farming.
Where I found my information Internet Sites Google HSC Online
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