Tropical Rainforest Temperate Rainforest By: Ryan and Jason Shin, and Henry Ung
Physical Characteristics of Tropical Rainforests Sun hits at a 90 degree angle. Temperature C (72-93 F) all year long Rainfall cm/80in a year Cloud-covers keep forests moist despite “dry” seasons.
Food Web of Tropical Rainforest Pythons Crocodiles Jaugar Feral dogs Birds of prey possums platypus Most fish Insects Plants/s eeds Chimpanz ee Smaller snakes larvaes fruits
Human Impact on Tropical Rainforest Deforestation – logging, agriculture, and mineral extraction. Soil without nutrients will not be able to sustain for future crops. Eventually will erode away by consistent rain.
Physical Characteristics of Temperate Rainforest Average Annual Temperature is 0 C Warm Temperature is 20 C Rainfall- 200cm a year Temperature and Rainfall influenced by the ocean.(Upper Cali to Southern Alaska) Along Northwestern coast of USA. Some in New Zealand and Chile. Has Deciduous Trees.
Bears Foxes Mountain Lion Wolves Frogs Insect- Eating Birds Owls Raccoons Weasles Mosquitoes Seed Eating Birds Deers Squirrels Mice Salmon Plants Mushrooms Mosses Grasses Fruits Water Organisms Food Web of Temperate Rainforest
Human Impact of Temperate Rainforest Deforestation – Agriculture, logging, Site conversions, and Wildlife Manipulation
Sources nforest_ecology.html nforest_ecology.html rain.htm