DESCRIPTIONS -It has a lot of rain. -Never snows. -Stays hot year round. -Very wet soil covered with lush, green plants and tall trees. -Has bright, warning colors. -Climb or fly to reach tops of trees. -Large leaves to collect light. -Leaves never change colors always green.
LOCATION ON EARTH You can find the tropical rainforest in Brazil,Indonesia, Zaire.
FOOD CHAIN IN THE TROPICAL RAINFOREST Each animal from the rainforest gets is food from an animal, or a plant and a plants produces is food from the sun and it makes nectar for birds or for other animal.
FACT 1 -The Tropical Rainforest is between seventy and one hundred inches of rain fall in the Tropical Rainforest each year.
FACT 2 -The world's largest Tropical Rainforest is in the amazon region of south America.
FACT3 -Tropical Rainforest are jungles. They are filled with trees, plants, and vines.
FACT4 -Tropical rainforests are hot and wet.
ANIMALS In the tropical rainforest there are all kinds of animals.
RESOURCES -I get the information from books and from the computer. -I get the pictures from Google chrome.
THE END The tropical rainforest