FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Mestrado em Tradução e Serviços Linguísticos SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TRANSLATION ENGLISH - PORTUGUESE SPRING SEMESTER 2011 Tue. 17:30-19:30 – Room 206A Teacher: Elena Zagar Galvão Webpage: web.letras.up.pt/egalvao
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Learning outcomes (1) Students who successfully complete this class will: be able to analyse scientific and technical texts of various types (academic, industrial, promotional) paying special attention to terminology, phraseology, information structure, register and style; be able to carefully select and make effective use of the multiple resources used by professional translators: information provided by experts in different fields, the Internet, databases, CAT tools, electronic corpora, Machine Translation; Students who successfully complete this class will: be able to analyse scientific and technical texts of various types (academic, industrial, promotional) paying special attention to terminology, phraseology, information structure, register and style; be able to carefully select and make effective use of the multiple resources used by professional translators: information provided by experts in different fields, the Internet, databases, CAT tools, electronic corpora, Machine Translation;
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Learning outcomes (2) be able to specialize in different areas, i.e., be autonomous learners of specialized languages, with emphasis on personal preferences and interest in a specific scientific and/or technical field; be fully familiar with all the different phases of a professional translation project; be able to adapt their translations to the specific needs and objectives of the target audience; be able to specialize in different areas, i.e., be autonomous learners of specialized languages, with emphasis on personal preferences and interest in a specific scientific and/or technical field; be fully familiar with all the different phases of a professional translation project; be able to adapt their translations to the specific needs and objectives of the target audience;
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Learning outcomes (3) be able to select the appropriate translation strategy at macro level and the most adequate translation solution at micro level and to justify these choices using the correct metalanguage; be able to select the appropriate translation strategy at macro level and the most adequate translation solution at micro level and to justify these choices using the correct metalanguage; be able to work in a translation team and to network with other language service professionals with a view to achieving better translation solutions; be able to work in a translation team and to network with other language service professionals with a view to achieving better translation solutions; be aware of the need to implement a quality assurance plan adapted to each translation project. be aware of the need to implement a quality assurance plan adapted to each translation project.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Teaching Methods Given that the expression “scientific and technical translation" covers an extremely vast range of text types and areas of knowledge, the focus of this class will be on helping students acquire and develop the skills that will enable them to specialize in one or more areas of their own choice. In-class work will be based on different text types (Power Point presentations, academic articles, abstracts, reports, etc.) on various topics, such as, for instance, renewable energy. The guided discovery on how to deal with these translation projects, from the pre- translation and research phase to the production and post-translation phase, will then serve as a model for students' own projects in other fields.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Assessment 75% compulsory attendance (working students should come and talk to me at the beginning of the semester) Formative assessment (group): Translation Company Work - 50% Summative assessment (individual): Final test - 50%
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Translation Companies The class is going to be divided into ?? groups of ?? and will form Translation Companies, who will attend regular tutorials in the second part of the weekly class. Companies should be formed by next Tuesday.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Each Translation Company is responsible for: creating their own image (name, logo, slogan, leaflet, Power Point presentation, webpage, etc.); creating their own image (name, logo, slogan, leaflet, Power Point presentation, webpage, etc.); deciding on each partner’s specific responsibilities (project management, translation, revision, overall quality control, etc.); deciding on each partner’s specific responsibilities (project management, translation, revision, overall quality control, etc.); managing each translation job in a professional manner (from answering requests for quotation and planning the project to delivering the final product and invoicing the client). managing each translation job in a professional manner (from answering requests for quotation and planning the project to delivering the final product and invoicing the client).
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Each student should have a copy of (and should read): Translation Company Guidelines, available soon at web.letras.up.pt/egalvao (Scientific and Technical Translation link)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão COMPANIES 15 students; 5 companies of 3
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Dictionary of Translation Studies (Shuttleworth and Cowie 1997:181) Translation. An incredibly broad notion which can be understood in many different ways. For example, one may talk of a translation as a process or a product, and identify such subtypes as literary translation, technical translation, subtitling and machine translation; moreover, while more typically it just refers to the transfer of written texts, the term sometimes also includes interpreting.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão What is Translation? (1) a) a process by which a spoken or written utterance takes place in one language which is intended or presumed to convey the same meaning as a previously existing utterance in another language (Rabin 1958) b) the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another (target), whether the languages are in written or oral form... or whether one or both languages are based on signs (Brislin 1976ª)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão What is Translation (2) c) a situation-related and function-oriented complex series of acts for the production of a target text, intended for addressees in another culture/language, on the basis of a given source text (Salevsky 1993) d) Any utterance which is presented or regarded as a ‘translation’ within a culture, on no matter what grounds (Toury 1995). (quoted in Pöchhacker, Franz. Introducing Interpreting Studies, 2004: 11-12)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão The basic conceptual ingredients contained in the various definitions of Translation are: an activity consisting (mainly) in an activity consisting (mainly) in the production of texts which are presumed to have a similar meaning and/or effect as previously existing texts in another language and culture (Pöchhacker, Franz. Introducing Interpreting Studies, 2004: 12)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Roman Jakobson, “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation”, 1959TRANSLATION INTERLINGUAL INTRALINGUAL INTERSEMIOTIC
FLUP - Elena Zagar GalvãoTRANSLATION The process of transferring a written text from SL to TL, conducted by a translator, or translators, in a specific socio-cultural context The written product, or TT, which results from that process and which functions in the socio-cultural context of the TL Cognitive, linguistic, visual, cultural and ideological phenomena which are an integral part of Translation as process and product
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão
For next Tuesday: Read: NORD, Christiane. Loyalty and Fidelity in Specialized Translation. Translation Company Guidelines. (both available on our website)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Translate File: TTCIP_11_Class_Task_1_Twins Excerpt from the book by Elizabeth Bryan Twins, Triplets and More (the chapter is The Biology of Twinning).