1 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 5 pt Name That Biome PlantsAnimalsClimateScenerios
2 The Arabian, Sahara, and Great Basin
3 What are deserts?
4 The Amazon Jungle is the world’s largest one of these.
5 What is a rainforest?
6 The Everglades of Florida
7 What are Grasslands?
8 The Arctic Coastal and The Alpine
9 What is the Tundra?
10 The Serengeti Plains of Tanzania
11 What is the Savannah?
12 Mosses and Lichen are found here.
13 What is the Tundra?
14 Milkweed and Indian Grass
15 What are the grasslands?
16 Orchids, Figs, and Roots can be found in this biome.
17 What is the Rainforest?
18 Maine’s beautiful blue trees are located in this biome.
19 What is the deciduous forest?
20 Animals in this biome include a whitetail deer and squirrels.
21 What is the deciduous forest?
22 Here you can see the buffalo and the bald eagle.
23 What is the Grasslands?
24 Monkeys love hanging on the trees in this biome. You might even get a glimpse of a toucan.
25 What is the Rainforest?
26 Watch out for the Polar Bears and the Snowy Owls in this biome.
27 What is the Tundra?
28 Camels and salamanders love living here.
29 What is the desert.
30 The African Elephant and the Koala Bear live here.
31 What is the Savanna?
32 Very heavy rainfall in all months and high humidity
33 What is the Rainforest?
34 Very little precipitation, very dry
35 What is the desert?
36 Hot summers and cold winters with a small amount of rain.
37 What are the grasslands?
38 Describe the soil in the Rainforest.
39 Can you explain why the Tundra biome is extremely cold while the desert biome is warm?
40 The deciduous forest is being threatened by humans. What is one threat that humans pose to the forest and what suggestion would you give for remedying this?
41. Air pollution can cause smog clouds that can contaminate lichen in the tundra, which is a a big source of food for the animals. How can humans eliminate or reduce this negative environmental factor?
42 Think about a desert animal, Would that animal be able to adapt and thrive if it was brought to the grasslands?
43 If you took a plant from the desert and planted it in the rainforest, what would the plant need to do in order to adapt to its surroundings?
44 How do humans interact positively with the grassland biome?