Definition The definition of deforestation is the loss of forest land faster than it can be replenished.
Characteristics Approximately 53,000 square miles of rainforest destroyed per year. If continues with the same rate, all the forests are gone in 100 years. occurs mostly in urban areas and near roads. Developing nations have minimal or non-existent silviculture programs. Over half of Earth's original rainforest has already been destroyed.
Causes - Natural Forest fires Flooding
Causes - Human Cutting of trees for sale as timber or pulp. Clearing of forest land to allow for farming and animal grazing (cattle ranching). Forests being removed or destroyed by mining. Clearing of forest land to replace with residential areas (urbanization). Exponential population growth.
Impacts - Atmosphere Increase the pace of global warming -- melting ice caps to increased desertification. Micro-climate changes – shift of ecosystems. Loss of carbon sink (trees consume – sink – carbon). Pollution from machinery.
Impacts - Hydrosphere Increased run off - Flooding. Stream siltation (build up of sediment). Alteration of the water cycle. Rising water temperatures. Increased contamination of fresh water sources.
Impacts - Lithosphere Decreased infiltration rates, therefore a potential increase in the drying of the soil. Soil erosion.
Impacts - Biosphere Many forests are being cleared for the increased demand of biodiesel – palm oil plantations, corn fields. Loss of biodiversity – survival of species. Species Extinction.
Solutions Reduce paper and wood consumption. Pros – changes human lifestyle. More recycling, better for the environment. Cons – logging industry will go down. Reduce beef consumption. Pros – less cattle ranching causing no need for more open space. Cons – No more hamburgers for lunch.
Solutions Cont’ Support the Rainforest Action Network. Pros – stops different industries from harming the rainforests. Cons – other economies impacted. Educate yourself more about deforestation. Pros – avoid doing things you know contribute to the destruction of forests. Cons – stops deforestation really slowly.
Examples - Globally Occurs in South America, Africa, and Asia. 40% of the world's deforestation happens in South American. Of this most is in the Amazon Basin .
Examples - Regionally The west coast of British Columbia is a temperate rainforest. Northern Alberta’s boreal forest – Tar Sands!!!