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Issues of Latin America Water management problems Deforestation Fuel issues Trade challenges Over-fishing Poverty
Rainforest We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years.
Howler Monkey The Howler Monkey is the loudest monkey and the loudest land animal. The only animal that is louder than the Howler Monkey is the Blue Whale. The Howler's call can be heard up to three miles (4.8 km) away.monkeyBlue Whale The Howler is the largest New World monkey (monkeys from South, North, and Central America). These social primates live high in the trees (the canopy) of the rain forests of southern Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia. Howlers have a life span of about 20 years. These monkeys are in decline due to a loss of habitat. canopyrain forests Anatomy: Adult male Howlers are black to brown; females and the young are lighter in color. Howlers grow to be about 2 to 4 feet (0.6 to 1.2 m) tall and weigh from 8 to 22 pounds (3.5 to 10 kg). They have a long tail, a short snout, and wide-set, round nostrils. Adults females usually have one baby at a time. Diet: Howlers eat mostly leaves, but occasionally supplement their diet with fruit and maggots. Predators: Large birds of prey (like the harpy eagle) prey upon the howler monkey.harpy eagle
Formulate 5 facts from the video clip
Keel-billed toucan The keel-billed toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratus, is a South American bird with a huge beak. This social bird lives in small flocks in lowland rainforests. It is a poor flyer, and moves mostly by hopping around trees. Toucans roost in holes in trees. They have a croaking call that sounds like RRRRK.keel-billed toucanrainforests Anatomy: The toucan is about 20 inches (50 cm) long. The toucan's enormous bill is up to one-third of its length. The bill is brightly colored, light- weight, and edged with toothed margins. It has four toes on each foot; two toes face forwards and two face backwards. Males are slightly larger than females, but their coloration is similar. Diet: Toucan eat mostly fruit, but also eat bird eggs, insects, and tree frogs. Toucans swallow fruit whole and then regurgitate the seeds; this disperses viable (living) seeds in the forest. Reproduction: Females lay 1 to 4 white eggs in each clutch (a set of eggs laid in one nesting period). The eggs are laid in a hollow tree cavity. Both parents incubate the eggs, and both parents feed the chicks. Classification: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Aves, Order Piciformes, Family Ramphastidae, Genus Ramphastos, Species R. sulfuratus.
Group Analysis- Each group must evaluate the facts and information, then choose a side: Business (logging companies, etc.) Environmentalists (all the groups opposed) Farmers (people who live there) Choose 10 facts that support your position. Write them down on your group paper. Have each person write why they support that position. Poster- Draw a variety of pictures to support your position. Present your position and your poster.
Our position:___________________Names:______________________ Facts Name:_______Why: