Sina 8G102
Why: Tropical rainforests took between 60 and 100 million years to form and are believed to be the oldest and most complex land-based ecosystem on earth, having over 30 million species of flora and fauna which is half of the world wildlife. Because most tropical rainforest grows in warm and steamy environments, it contains a large variety of plants. One hectare of lowland rainforest may contain 1000 trees with up to 300 species, so rainforests are here because the world want to make our flora and fauna to live in a better environment.
5 W’S
What: Approximately one third of the earth is surrounded by deserts. Deserts aren’t just made of sand like some people may say. They consist of rocks, mountains, and sand. Desert sands are often rock which has weathered down to sand over the centuries. Deserts have cold and hot weathers. When the weather changes the temperatures can become pretty wild. Who: the population of people who live in deserts today isn’t large, mostly animals such as: snakes, mountain lions, birds wolves, llamas and many more.
5 W’S Where: deserts are located all over the world. Some deserts may cross between countries, in fact there is at least one desert in every continent. Why: the deserts are there because rain shadows are mountains which don’t let rain get in the desserts.
5 w’s Why: Mountains exist because of some of the many natural forces occurring on the earth. The motion of the tectonic plates: The pieces of the surface of the earth shifting around and bumping into each other can cause sections of earth to be forced upward, such as in the Himalayas. What: A Mountain is a large landform that stretches above the land in a area usually in the form of a peak. Mountains are unique with the way they are built. They have hills. Different mountains live separately because of the height of the mountains. When a mountain is higher the climate changes which effects the mountain.
5 w’s Where: in Australia there is only one mountain however in every other continent there is at least more than one. Who : Andean Mountain Cat, bighorn sheep, chinchilla, cougar, gorilla, ibex, Llama, Lynx, Mountain goat, Mountain king snake, Mountain lion, Panda, Pika, Puma, Snow leopard and yaks.
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