VINE SNAKE PICTUREADAPTATIONS As the Vine Snake lies amid the branches of forest trees, its proportions and greeny-brown coloration make it almost indistinguishable from the abundant creepers and vines. Its head, too, is thin and elongated and equipped with rear fangs and mild venom. If threatened, it puffs up the front of its body, revealing vivid coloration usually hidden under scales, and opens its long mouth wide. A frightened snake may also sway from side to side, like a stem.
CHIMPANZEE PICTUREADAPTATION Thickest and robust, but more lightly built then the gorilla, the chimpanzee has strong body and long limps, powerful arms being longer then the legs. There is a great variability in the color of their hair and facial skin, but the hair is generally blackish and the face light, darkening in older individual Its hands and feet are narrow and long, with opposable thumps on the hands.
FLYING DRAGON PICTHUREADAPTATION At each side of it’s body, between front and hind limps, there is a large flap of skin, supported by extended movable ribs. Usually these flaps are held folded at the sides of the body, but they can be extended to carry the lizard in and almost horizontal glide for many meters. The Flying Dragon feeds on insects particularly ants. To breed the Flying Dragon descends to the ground and buries it’s 1-4 eggs into the soil.
PLANTS On tropical deltas and along ocean edges and river estuaries, trees have adapted living in wet marshy conditions. Many large trees have massive ridges near the base that can rise 30 feet high before blending into the trunk. The tropical plants adapt in the hot, humid, and wet conditions of the rainforest. Most plants in the Tropical Rainforest need to be high to get to the sunlight. But, some plant’s roots go up a tree trunk to get sunlight.
NEGATIVE A negative in pact on the rainforest is……. Tropical rainforest comprise only 40% of the worlds tropical rainforests, and 20% of the worlds total forests. They cover 6-7% of the Earths land surface. worlds plants and animal species live in tropical rainforest of the world. Thirty acres of trees are cut down in the tropical rainforests every minute. As you read this, tropical rainforests are shrinking. Each second a portion of rainforest, the size of a football field, is destroyed or damaged.
POSITIVE A positive in pact on the rainforest is A tropical rainforest is positive in pact to us and animals. The forests gives animals a place to live. Also, it gives us oxygen, since a rainforest has a lot of trees, Another thing is, most of our plants and animals live there, and all the time we go to the rainforest scientist find a new plant or animal. It is were we get medicine and some of our food as well. It is possible that one day scientists could find a cure for cancer in the rainforest.