Amazon Animals By Michelle Celliers
Contents Jaguar Ocelot Toco Toucan Poisonous Dart Frog
Jaguar The jaguar is one of the most dangerous animals in the Amazon. An excellent hunter. They can climb high trees and run after its prey. This animal is about 6 feet long and can reach up to 250 pounds in weight. It lives on the first layer ( the forest floor ) of the rainforest but hunt on the understory. They eat peccaries, capybaras and tapirs.
Ocelot The ocelot is also called a dwarf leopard. It is twice the size of an average house cat and it is a very sleek animal. They hunt rabbits, rodents, iguanas, fish, and frogs. They are not like an average house cat and likes water and are very good swimmers.
Toco Toucans Toco toucans measuring up to 63.5 cm in length, it is the largest of all toucans. It has a black body and white throat and a really bright orange beak. It’s beak is 19cm long. The Toco toucan can’t fly very well because it’s beak weighs it down. They eat reptiles, fruit, insects.
Poisonous tree frog Poisonous tree frogs can be found on trees, leaves, rocks and logs. Because of their size, from ½ to 2 inches long, they are hard to see. They warn predators with their really bright colours. Their diet is a lot of ants which brings really strong poisons for the frog