Tapirs By: Maddie Hall
Facts about Tapirs -They have nasty bites. -They are fat. -They have a good sense of smell because of their snouts. -They are vegetarians. -They are endangered. -They are related to rhinos and horses. -They are normally colored to where their legs, head, and the front of their body are black, and the rest is white. -They can be striped.
Why Tapirs are endangered -People are hunting them for meat and skin. -Their habitat is being destroyed. -Predators such as cheetahs are hunting them.
Types and Facts about Tapirs Brazilian Tapir -They can swim good Mountain Tapir -They are small Baird’s Tapir -They have big nostrils Malayan Ta -They are active at night
Types and Habitat -Brazilian Tapir -They live in the Brazilian rainforest -Mountain Tapir -They live in the mountains(the ones with trees) -Baird Tapir -They live in the rainforest -Malayan Tapir -They live in the tropical rainforest
Tapir Pictures
Source page Tapirs-Wikipedia-the free encyclopedia