{ Sustaining the Amazon By Lisa Roberto. “Forests are a safety net for the poor, but they continue to disappear at an alarming rate.”- UN Millennial Goals.


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Presentation transcript:

{ Sustaining the Amazon By Lisa Roberto

“Forests are a safety net for the poor, but they continue to disappear at an alarming rate.”- UN Millennial Goals

What’s the nature of the problem? Over the past 40 years, the Amazon Rainforest has been depleted for cattle, farming and highways. This is causing a rise in global warming because the forest contains high levels of CO2. When the trees are cut down, the CO2 goes into the atmosphere.

Video: The Truth About Deforestation Video: The Truth About Deforestation Companies are cutting down hundred year old trees in the Amazon Rainforest to make simple household items for revenue. Companies are cutting down hundred year old trees in the Amazon Rainforest to make simple household items for revenue.

Land is being cleared in the Amazon in order to raise cattle. Beef demand globally continues rise, and demand for meat from Brazilian cattle farmers continues to rise.

Cattle Summary Selected Countries (in 1,000 head) Date Created 4/18/2014 2:04:51 PM Apr Total Cattle Brazil 185,159190,925197,550203,273207,960 Production (Calf Crop) Brazil 49,20049,44549,69050,18550,940 Total Exports Brazil Source: United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service

Disappearance of vegetation creates ripple effects in the food chains and nutrient networks; species that normally have dwelled within one region of the forest are pushed to another simply via the search for food. (Univ. of Michigan)

Already, nearly 20% of the Amazon’s rain forest has been eradicated.

Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest contributes to global warming, which affects our ability to grow food and maintain fresh water. – And that’s bad!

Solutions – How can this get better?

Global Forest Watch is doing something!

1. Corporations & Markets If corporations have the ability to destroy the world's intact forests, they also have the power to help save them. (Greenpeace) *Don’t use companies that are not ecologically responsible to the rainforest. *Pressure companies that are not responsible to the rainforest to BE responsible. Send s to the company presidents.

2. Sustainable consumer options (Greenpeace) *shop companies that are environmentally friendly, especially to the rainforest.

3. Politics In order to achieve zero deforestation by 2020 we need ambitious and science-based domestic and international forest policies from our government. (Greenpeace) *Write your politicians to encourage them to adopt environmentally friendly policies. Chinese Government to Start "Buying Green" Greening Government Procurement (Environmentally- Friendly Products List)

Remember: You can make a difference in saving the Amazon Rainforest.

*Use responsible companies. *Write to politicians and company presidents to encourage them to be responsible.

Works Cited: Brazil Uncovered: The truth about deforestation. CCTV America, "Cattle Summary Selected Countries." United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, 18 Apr Web. 19 May Wright, David, Heather LaRocca, and Grant DeJongh. "Amazon Deforestation and Farming." University of Michigan, n.d. Web. 19 May Works Cited: Brazil Uncovered: The truth about deforestation. CCTV America, "Cattle Summary Selected Countries." United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, 18 Apr Web. 19 May "Greenpeace." Greenpeace. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May Wright, David, Heather LaRocca, and Grant DeJongh. "Amazon Deforestation and Farming." University of Michigan, n.d. Web. 19 May