What is it? An Assessor in ancient times was ad + sedere, one who sat by the sovereign to provide technical advice on the value of things that were to be taxed. Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about courses, programs, etc. What we assess defines what we value. 2
Formative vs Summative Assessment Formative Assessment – is conducted during the duration of the course with the purpose of providing feedback to be used to modify and shape the course. Summative Assessment is conducted at the end of the course to make judgments about the quality of the course/student compared to previously established performance relative to learning outcomes. 3
Principles Learning Outcomes determine assessment Plan ahead of time; Design and implement data collection approaches; Examine findings to improve student learning; Revise assessments for the future as needed – not static. 4
Characteristics Asks important questions; Reflects learning outcomes; Is linked to decision making about the curriculum; Includes direct evidence of learning; Contains a variety of assessment tools; Provides information for improvement of both teaching and learning. 5
Techniques – Immediate Feedback Minute papers – teachers ask students at the end of the class, or week, to write a few sentences about what they learned during the class(es), and their most important unanswered question(s). Critical incident reports – capture vivid happenings that the student considers significant. Journals – document the learning taking place throughout the course, reviewed after each exam or test. Reflections – similar to minute papers. 6
Methods Exams – multiple choice, true-false, extended response, etc. Performance assessments – performances, projects, oral presentations, simulations, etc. Portfolios Juried activities – multiple raters; Standardized test banks – often available for textbook. 7
Mathematics (Education) Example 1. Describe in words how quadratic equations were solved in ancient times compared to today. 2. Give the advantages and disadvantages of the geometric approach compared to the algebraic approach to teaching quadratics. 3. Solve the quadratic equation x^ = 7x a. Algebraically b. Geometrically 8
Tomography Example Given the top, front and right view of an object, reconstruct what the 3D object looks like using 9 balls (or gumdrops). 9
Example from BioMath You are a Biomath graduate student conducting research in the Amazon Rainforest. One day you are lucky enough to stumble upon a previously undiscovered creature. To name this creature (perhaps after yourself!) it is important to determine its place on the evolutionary tree of life. After sequencing a section of chromosome 6 you use a computer to look for matches to any known species. The computer finds that the genes from chromosome 6 correspond to the genes in the frillneck lizard (a currently living species),but they are not in the same order. Your task now is to create a phylogenetic tree to show the relationship between the newly discovered creature and the frillneck lizard for your local natural history museum. The museum wants a display of your findings using model creatures complete with a drawing of the most likely phylogenetic tree. The order of genes is as follows: New creature: Frillneck lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii):
Rubrics What are they? A rubric is a scoring tool that explicitly represents the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work. A rubric divides the assigned work into component parts and provides clear descriptions of the characteristics of the work associated with each component, at varying levels of mastery. Rubrics can be used for a wide array of assignments: papers, projects, oral presentations, artistic performances, group projects, etc. 11
Advantages Grading according to an explicit and descriptive set of criteria that is designed to reflect the weighted importance of the objectives of the assignment helps ensure that the instructor’s grading standards don’t change over time. Grading consistency is difficult to maintain over time because of fatigue, shifting standards based on prior experience, or intrusion of other criteria. Rubrics can reduce the time spent grading by reducing uncertainty and by allowing instructors to refer to the rubric description associated with a score rather than having to write long comments. Helps identify strengths and weaknesses of the class. 12
Examples See Notes 13
Specific rubrics 14 Develop scoring rubrics for: 1. An essay question on an exam. 2. A required paper for your course.
Your courses 15 Using the learning outcomes developed in the morning session, produce three examples of possible assessments to meet one or more of the learning outcomes. Share your assessments with others to get a critique. Using suggestions from others, revise your assessments. Choose two more learning outcomes and describe 3 ways to assess whether the learning outcomes have been met.
Combining Individual and Group Evaluations 16 Example: 3 tests 100 pts. each 30% 4 quizzes 25 pts. each 10% final exam 200 pts. 20% group project300 pts. 30% participation100 pts. 10% Option of one test being a group test.
Your course 17 Develop two course scoring schemata.
Flexible Grading 18 Example: Componentrange available Homework % Quizzes25 – 40% Final Exam20 – 40% Papers20 – 30% Choice must add up to 100% Other components could be added such as self evaluation, class participation, performances, etc.
Your course 19 Develop a flexible grading scheme for your course. Would you use it? If not, why not?