5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY MOVEMENT Region Human-Environment Interaction Directions: Visit and read about each of the following 5 Themes of Geography listed below. Forward the slides by clicking the enter key on your Chromebook. As you go through the entire learning module, you will answer questions on your graphic organizer. There will be a short quiz at the end. MOVEMENT Region Human-Environment Interaction Location Place
MOVEMENT Movement includes the movement of people, things (such as goods), movement of information, and movement of ideas. We can describe the type of communications a place has, how they move ideas, the main forms of transportation, as well as what goods are exported and imported. These all come under the heading of movement.
MOVEMENT Things to think about Movement -- What are the patterns of movement of people, products, and information? A study of movement includes learning about major modes of transportation used by people, an area's major exports and imports, and ways in which people communicate (move ideas).
MOVEMENT ~more~ MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE, GOODS, AND IDEAS How are people transported in this city? How are ideas transported in this city? (e.g. communication) * Answer the questions about Movement on your graphic organizer before you move on
REGION Regions are areas that can be grouped together by a set of things special to that region. We have countries ruled by governments, areas which speak the same language, or have the same religion, and we have areas served by a particular service, such as a school district or a zip code. The four types of areas are: government/physical, human, cultural, or functional Regions defined by a government or physical characteristics are regions that are strictly maintained, such as countries , continents, or physical regions (e.g. Appalachian Mountain Region) Regions defined by a function are areas served by a particular service. Take the example of a fictitious school district of Geek's Rule School. If Geek's Rule School closes down, then the school district will no longer exist. Of course, it won't just disappear in a cloud of smoke, but it will have to be named or described some other way. Another examples would be areas which provide certain functions, like a telephone area code, zip code, or even a bus service area. Loosely defined regions are regions that are grouped together in general terms. These are things such as the North, or the Mid-West, or the Bible belt, or even the Far East and Middle East. Cultural regions are regions which a region having a distinct pattern of culture. Like the Great Plains Indians region, Latin America (language), or Muslim region (religion)
REGION-Things to think about Regions -- How can Earth be divided into regions for study? Regions can be defined by a number of characteristics including area, language, political divisions, religions, and vegetation (for example, grassland, marshland, desert, rain forest). Telephone Area Code Regions Latin American Region Native American Regions Muslim World Regions
REGION ~more~ THE STUDY OF REGIONS What other regions are there in the United States besides this one? How are they different? What is a functional region? (Descriptions of regions can include information about the physical or cultural characteristics. Physical refers to mountains, deserts, climates, etc. Cultural refers to history, religion, and language.) * Answer the questions about Regions on your graphic organizer before move on
HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS This is about the relationship between people and their environment, or how they work together. It answers a lot of important questions: What effects have the people had on their environment? How has the environment affected them, or do they depend on it for anything? What changes have they made to their environment to make it easier to live in? Human-Environment Interactions can be divided into 3 parts: How people have been changed by the environment, how the environment has been changed by people, and how people depend on the environment. How people have been changed by the environment can be called adaptation. It is the way humans change to suit their environment. An example of this is people who live in very cold climates wearing well-insulated clothes to keep warm, or in a warm climate wearing shorts and a tank top to stay cool. How the environment has been changed or modification is the way people change their environment to suit themselves. Artificially watering your lawn if you live in a dry area is one example. Another good example is clearing forests to make room for growing crops. Even building a bridge is an example of changing or modifying your environment. Depending on the environment is when people depend on their environment for something. Examples of this are using trees for firewood, or coal to warm us in winter, rivers to transport goods to sell or exchange for other needed items that are not available, rivers also provide us with drinking water. Sometimes it is difficult to tell exactly where something belongs. For example, if people clear forests to get wood for fires and to grow crops, that may be considered changing the environment to suit themselves and depending on the environment for something. When you think about the environment and people, just remember the three important questions: How have the people changed? How have they changed the environment? Do they depend on the environment for anything?
Human-Environmental Interaction Things to think about Human-environment interaction -- What are the relationships among people and places? How have people changed the environment to better suit their needs?
HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTION ~more~ HOW PEOPLE RELATE TO THEIR ENVIRONMENT How do people in Kentucky effect (modify) the environment? How do people in Kentucky adapt to their environment in terms of what they wear and how they build their homes? How do people in this city modify their environment to accommodate them? (e.g. building dams, changing landscapes) * Answer the questions about Human-Environment interaction on your graphic organizer before move on
LOCATION This is divided into 2 parts: Specific location and General Location Specific location is shown by an address or geographic coordinate. The address can be any type of address that gives an exact position. It is sometimes called absolute location Here are some examples: A Street Address: 8000, Spruce Drive, Florence , Kentucky A Map Address: 39o20' North, 84o15' West Both of these examples well tell you exactly where a place is. General location is shown by saying where something is in relation to somewhere or something else. It is also known as relative location. Here are some examples: ten minutes away by train in front of the bank RA Jones is 1 ½ miles South Southeast from Boone County High School With these two examples you can only find what you want if you know from where you are starting. It's useful, though, for describing things. If I just told you that New York was located at 40o North, 73o West, you probably couldn't picture that in your head. If I told you that it was in the North-Eastern United States, you could probably imagine it much better. Boone County High School RA Jones is about 1 ½ miles SSE from Boone County High School RA Jones Middle School
LOCATION Things to think about Location -- Where are things located? A location can be specific (for example, it can be stated as coordinates of longitude and latitude or as a distance from another place) or general (it's in the Northeast).
LOCATION ~more~ What is your absolute location? What is the city’s location in relation to other major cities? * Answer the questions about Location on your graphic organizer before you move on
PLACE It is a description of what makes that place different from others. If I was trying to tell you about the bedrooms in a house, and I wanted to explain to you exactly which one I meant, I could say, "the one with two beds and one window." If the other rooms had only one bed each, or two windows, then you could easily tell which room I meant. PLACE is divided into 2 parts: Physical Differences and Human Differences Physical differences, or characteristics, include things that occur naturally, such as mountains, rivers, type of soil, wildlife, climate etc. I might say that a place is flat with rich soil and many rivers. I'm still being vague, but already you can see a picture of it in your head, and maybe even begin to imagine how the land is used. Human differences, or characteristics, are things that have changed due to people, such as roads and buildings, how people live and their traditions. This is where you can really go to town in your description. You can discuss the cities, lifestyle, culture and all sorts of other interesting facts that make the place you are talking about different and special.
PLACE Things to think about Place -- What makes a place different from other places? Differences might be defined in terms of climate, physical features, or the people who live there and their traditions.
PLACE ~more~ What physical characteristics exist in this city such as plant and animal life? What cultural (human) characteristics are typical of this city? Which ethnic, religious, or political groups live here? * Answer the questions about Place on your graphic organizer before you move on
WHERE DID THE 5 THEMES COME FROM? The 5 Themes of Geography originated by the National Geographic Society to fulfill a need for geographers (people who study the earth and everything on it) categorize everything they learn. These 5 place names are easy to remember. Just say the words “MR HELP.”
WHAT IS “MR HELP”? MR HELP is a mnemonic device that can be used to help remember the 5 Themes of Geography. Simply put, take the first letter of each Theme to create the word MR HELP. They are: Movement Region Human-Environment (interaction) Location Place
Quiz About The Five Themes of Geography Directions: Write the answer to the following 7 questions on your student graphic organizer. We will go over the answers as a class. Click on the orange arrow key to progress through the quiz.
Question 1 Which of the following is NOT a geography theme? A. movement C. region B. people D. human-environmental interaction people
Question 2 Which of the following is an example of Human-Environmental Interaction? A. getting the mail C. playing X-box B. watching TV D. Rainforest clearing
Question 3 Which of the following is an example of PLACE? A. Appalachian Mountains C. East High School B. McDonalds D. skating rink
Question 4 Which of the following is NOT an example of REGION? A. Deep South C. Latin America B. Area Code D. Florence
Question 5 Which of the following is an example of Location? B. Chris P Bacon 1103 Swine Drive Harrodsburg, KY 40330 D. the hills A. Cincinnati, Ohio C. Indiana
Question 6 Which of the following is NOT an example of movement? A. Cutting down trees C. EMAIL B. Westward Expansion D. Immigration
Question 7 What is the name of a person who studies the earth and everything on it? A. Photographer C. Geographer B. Cartographer D. Mapographer