Unit 15 Destinations Warming up & Speaking Chang Ying.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 15 Destinations Warming up & Speaking Chang Ying

Step 1. Warming up Explanations: offer vt 提供,供应;主动给予 I offered him some money for his help. 因为他帮了忙,我给了他一些钱。 I don’t need any help, but it was kind of you to offer. offer to do sth 主动提出做某事 offer sth to sb 向某人提供某物 offer sb sth

Rio De Janeiro

Hong Kong

The Pyramids - Egypt

Masai Mara – Kenya( 肯尼亚 ) Africa

South Island New Zealand 新西兰主要由南岛和北岛组成. 库克 海峡将两岛分开。

Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯

Taj Mahal 泰姬陵 India

Hawaii 夏威夷

Himalayas - Nepal 尼泊尔的喜马拉雅山脉

Duba (迪拜) Saudi Arabia ( 沙特阿拉伯)

Bangkok 曼谷

the Great Wall

Venice( 威尼斯 ) Italy

Colosseo( 古罗马竞技场 ) Rome

Zermatt – Switzerland 瑞士策马特峰

Eiffel Tower Paris France

Pathenon Temple Greece

Vienna( 维也纳) Austria


Mosco Russia

Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur ( 吉隆坡 ) Malaysia

Angel Falls Venezuela 委内瑞拉天使瀑布


Chichen Itza – Mexico Sun Temple of Maya Culture ( 玛雅文明)


The Rainforest Brazil

Greenland polar light

the South Pacific Area 南太平洋地区

B. pair work Task

Imagine that you are given a free air ticket that lets you travel around the world and make 3~5 stops along the way. Where would you go and why? P. 33

Tell your partner where you will go and your reasons.

A.Leading-in When we’re travelling, we may meet some- thing dissatisfying. In this case usually we make complaints( 抱怨, 投诉 ) and hope that somebody will apologise to us and make explanation. Think: How to make complaints and apologies? Step 5. Speaking

Useful expressions 表示抱怨 表示关切和道歉 I hate to have to say this,but… I am so sorry. Could you do sth.about it? I’ll look into it at once. That’s too bad. I hope it’s nothing serious. I’m totally unsatisfied Please tell me what’s the with the service here. matter. Something has to be done I apologize for troubling to solve the problem. you so much. I can’t stand it any more. I’ll do everything I can to help you. Something must be done I’m sorry but I didn’t about the service here. mean to… Why don’t you do sth about it? It’s really a pity.

Two friends a pair. One is Student A. The other is Student B. Performance

Step 5. Assignment 1.Practise more after class 2. Memorize the vocabulary of this unit.