Four Ps To Better Presenting
Four Ps to Better Presenting Plan Prepare Practice Present
Four Ps to Better Presenting Plan Know your audience their knowledge their experience their needs goals of presentation
Four Ps to Better Presenting Plan Purpose of presentation inform persuade train teach sell
Four Ps to Better Presenting Prepare l Positive attitude
Four Ps to Better Presenting Attention-getting opening question related to audience’s need sincere compliment relevant story tell your audience what you’re going to tell them Prepare
Four Ps to Better Presenting Visuals & Exhibits statistics analogies demonstrations exhibits other sound & visual aids Prepare
Tips to Improve Powerpoint Presentations KISS (keep it simple, silly!) Don’t overuse effects Don’t overcrowd slides Don’t cram slides with information or text Limit points on a slide to 3-6 points Avoid sub-headings Stick with the same backgrounds, styles & transitions throughout your presentation Large fonts
Four Ps to Better Presenting Prepare l Develop transitions between key points
Four Ps to Better Presenting Prepare l Memorable closing
Four Ps to Better Presenting Practice l Build your confidence & effectiveness
Four Ps to Better Presenting Practice l Review presentation visuals l Review technology needed l Practice demonstrations, etc. Prepare for the unexpected!
Four Ps to Better Presenting Practice Practice & review! on video tape in front of an audience Practice, practice, practice!
Four Ps to Better Presenting Present l Make a positive first impression
Four Ps to Better Presenting Present l Build rapport with audience
Four Ps to Better Presenting Present l Hold attention of audience
Four Ps to Better Presenting Present l Strong closing
Four Ps to Better Presenting Review Presentation l Successful? l Strengths? l Areas to improve?
Four Ps to Better Presenting Plan Prepare Practice Present (Based on Dale Carnegie Training)