Your poster title Replace with authors Acknowledge partners
Overview (standard heading) Replace this text with your own. The text should be points in size. We are using Calibri font as a standard. Keep body text left-aligned. Add pictures. The colours are your choice, noting that contrasting text and backgrounds will be more visible. You may have a maximum of 8 slides: a title slide, an overview slide, 5 other slides and two Inspiring Solutions slides. Remember you have less than 5 minutes to speak.
Slides 1- 5 (own choice) Tips for making a successful poster… Simplify everything, avoid information overkill. Headings should not be all capitals. Use bold to emphasize points. Leave ample space around your text. Don’t overcrowd your poster. Use photographs and diagrams instead of text. Spell check and get someone else to proof-read your finished version.
The titles and slide sequence are a guide only. This format however works best in a poster session presentation. Feel free to look at other digital posters at the link located on the Presenter Info page where you downloaded this template. The screens that will be used look like the one on the right Slides 1-5 (own choice)
Hyperlink and include digital references where necessary. Delegates may choose to download your poster. If connected to the internet the links will take them to these pages. The layout is only a guide. You may choose to add more or less image/text boxes and move them about as required. Creativity is encouraged, but keep it clear and readable. Slides 1-5 (own choice) atch?v=yXwZ6aUMNpk&feat
The final slides Please try to capture your main points about your case within the five slide limit We also want to find out whether your case or story can be the source of an inspiring solution for the world. In the last two slides, which are not optional, please tell us why your case is inspiring, had impact and could be applied elsewhere In the final slide, try to isolate the key components of the innovative approach that makes this work.
Innovative and effective Explain why your case can be regarded as a creative way to help the world address a specific conservation and human need involving protected areas Evidence of implementation and impact Explain whether your case has been applied and proven to have impact Applied elsewhere or more broadly Show why your case is a good example for others to follow in other places and other contexts An inspiring solution?
Components that lead to success Which 1-2 components of your case made all the difference to the outcome? Enabling factors What factors are essential to the success of these components? What makes it work?