Mrs. Kathleen Borja 7th Grade Language Arts/AVID
How you can help / Back up my academic expectations. / Back up my behavioral expectations. / Review the calendar and my website for updated information, links, etc. Contact me anytime you have a concern. (760) , ext Office Hours:9:00AM-3:00PM / address: / Back up my academic expectations. / Back up my behavioral expectations. / Review the calendar and my website for updated information, links, etc. Contact me anytime you have a concern. (760) , ext Office Hours:9:00AM-3:00PM / address:
Homework / Homework: This will be given three to four nights each week. Independent reading is an on-going, yearlong assignment and students should be reading at least 20 minutes a night(especially non-fiction text).There is strong correlation between high-test scores and comprehension levels. / Longer projects such Book Reports, Essays, etc. will have longer due dates / Absences = student’s responsibility / No late work accepted per school policy! / Homework: This will be given three to four nights each week. Independent reading is an on-going, yearlong assignment and students should be reading at least 20 minutes a night(especially non-fiction text).There is strong correlation between high-test scores and comprehension levels. / Longer projects such Book Reports, Essays, etc. will have longer due dates / Absences = student’s responsibility / No late work accepted per school policy!
Grading system / Grading scale Everyone begins with an “A” grade and is based upon points earned. / A = / B = / C = / D = / F= 59 & below / Updated grades posted online: Click “students and parents login here” Click “single class login” Classword: period-borja-1112 Password: (student’s 6-digit I.D. #) / Grading scale Everyone begins with an “A” grade and is based upon points earned. / A = / B = / C = / D = / F= 59 & below / Updated grades posted online: Click “students and parents login here” Click “single class login” Classword: period-borja-1112 Password: (student’s 6-digit I.D. #)
Curriculum/Daily Activities Editing/Writing Conventions and Grammar Exercises Academic Vocabulary Core novels/short fictional and nonfiction text Book reports/Semester book projects ( 1-2 project per trimester)*** Standardized Test Prep Speeches, Socratic Seminar, Debates,etc. Editing/Writing Conventions and Grammar Exercises Academic Vocabulary Core novels/short fictional and nonfiction text Book reports/Semester book projects ( 1-2 project per trimester)*** Standardized Test Prep Speeches, Socratic Seminar, Debates,etc.
More on Curriculum Writing( mini-lessons, daily journaling, essays, quick writes or timed writings) Use of Technology like Moodle, online classroom learning site, to encourage writing. This site is Students will use forums, chat, and other activities, etc. to receive instant feedback from teachers and peers. Writing( mini-lessons, daily journaling, essays, quick writes or timed writings) Use of Technology like Moodle, online classroom learning site, to encourage writing. This site is Students will use forums, chat, and other activities, etc. to receive instant feedback from teachers and peers.
Textbook/Core Novels / This year I’m piloting a new literature series from the publisher Glencoe. Students will have access to online text or will check out a hardcover book when needed. / For online access Visit / The passcode is #BADA9914AE / The core literature will be: / The Giver, Lois Lowery / Sign of the Chrysantheum by / Murder for her Majesty by / Retold British and American Classic Fiction / This year I’m piloting a new literature series from the publisher Glencoe. Students will have access to online text or will check out a hardcover book when needed. / For online access Visit / The passcode is #BADA9914AE / The core literature will be: / The Giver, Lois Lowery / Sign of the Chrysantheum by / Murder for her Majesty by / Retold British and American Classic Fiction
Suggested Items Bring Every Day: / Hallway Pass/ Eagle Flight Card / Three-ring binder with dividers (not a separate one for just this class) / 2 pencils,2 pens, highlighter / Lined, white notebook paper / Note cards / Single Subject spiral or compostion notebook for daily journaling. / Student planner,pocket size dictionary / Chapter book or novel / Hallway Pass/ Eagle Flight Card / Three-ring binder with dividers (not a separate one for just this class) / 2 pencils,2 pens, highlighter / Lined, white notebook paper / Note cards / Single Subject spiral or compostion notebook for daily journaling. / Student planner,pocket size dictionary / Chapter book or novel
* California Content Standards for Grade 7 Reading (1 st semester) / R1.1-R 1.3 Identify idioms, metaphors and similes in prose and poetry, use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots and affixes to understand content-area vocabulary, and clarify word meanings through use of context clues. / R2.1 Understand differences of purpose and structure between various types of informational text. / R2.2 Locate information by using a variety of consumer, workplace, and public documents. R2.4 Identify and trace the development of an author ’ s argument, or point of view. / R2.5 Understand and explain the use of a simple mechanical device by following technical directions. / R2.6 Assess the adequacy of evidence to support claims, noting bias (editorials, speeches) / R1.1-R 1.3 Identify idioms, metaphors and similes in prose and poetry, use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots and affixes to understand content-area vocabulary, and clarify word meanings through use of context clues. / R2.1 Understand differences of purpose and structure between various types of informational text. / R2.2 Locate information by using a variety of consumer, workplace, and public documents. R2.4 Identify and trace the development of an author ’ s argument, or point of view. / R2.5 Understand and explain the use of a simple mechanical device by following technical directions. / R2.6 Assess the adequacy of evidence to support claims, noting bias (editorials, speeches)
California Content Standards for Grade 7 Reading (2 nd semester) R3.2 Identify the events that advance the plot of the story. R3.3 Analyze characters through thoughts, words, speech patterns, actions, the narrator ’ s description, and other characters ’ words and actions. R3.4 Identify and analyze recurring messages/themes. R3.5 Contrast point of view in narratives and how it affects the theme. R3.2 Identify the events that advance the plot of the story. R3.3 Analyze characters through thoughts, words, speech patterns, actions, the narrator ’ s description, and other characters ’ words and actions. R3.4 Identify and analyze recurring messages/themes. R3.5 Contrast point of view in narratives and how it affects the theme.
* California Content Standards for Grade 7 Writing : / L 1.0 Demonstrate proficiency in using mechanics, parts of speech, and sentence structure. / L2.0 Deliver well-organized formal presentations / W1.0- Students will write clear, coherent, focused essays. The essays will have a set purpose, formal introductions, supporting evidence, and conclusions. / The STATE Writing Exam for all 7 th graders will be March 1st. The types of essays they must be prepared to write: / Personal narrative/Autobiographical Incident / Short story / Response to literature / Summary / Persuasive essay / Research report / Mini writing lessons on the 6traits to great writing! / L 1.0 Demonstrate proficiency in using mechanics, parts of speech, and sentence structure. / L2.0 Deliver well-organized formal presentations / W1.0- Students will write clear, coherent, focused essays. The essays will have a set purpose, formal introductions, supporting evidence, and conclusions. / The STATE Writing Exam for all 7 th graders will be March 1st. The types of essays they must be prepared to write: / Personal narrative/Autobiographical Incident / Short story / Response to literature / Summary / Persuasive essay / Research report / Mini writing lessons on the 6traits to great writing!
Behavior management plan Rules / Begin working on the “Bell Work Assignment” and record your homework once class begins. / Remain seated, and bring all materials every day. / Respect people and property. / Follow all San Elijo School rules. / Rewards / Raffle Prizes, No Homework Passes, Notes/Calls home / Individual privileges/Team Building Activities / Consequences / Warning, Behavior Log,Phone Call Home, Detention/Referral/Escort Rules / Begin working on the “Bell Work Assignment” and record your homework once class begins. / Remain seated, and bring all materials every day. / Respect people and property. / Follow all San Elijo School rules. / Rewards / Raffle Prizes, No Homework Passes, Notes/Calls home / Individual privileges/Team Building Activities / Consequences / Warning, Behavior Log,Phone Call Home, Detention/Referral/Escort
Homework Club/PRIDE Program / Pride will be offered the following days/times for Language Arts and Math only: Tuesdays/Thursdays AFTERSCHOOL from 2:15- 3:15pm or Wednesdays/Fridays MORNINGS from 7:15-7:55am. Students expected to bring homework and a novel to read if they finish early / Applications in counseling office / Pride will be offered the following days/times for Language Arts and Math only: Tuesdays/Thursdays AFTERSCHOOL from 2:15- 3:15pm or Wednesdays/Fridays MORNINGS from 7:15-7:55am. Students expected to bring homework and a novel to read if they finish early / Applications in counseling office