Presented by: Kathleen Neset NDPC Annual Meeting Grand Forks, ND
7.4 BBO Bakken and Three Forks 3.65 BBO Bakken 3.73 BBO Three Forks 4.42 BBO (95%) to BBO (5%) 6.7 Trillion cu ft. of natural gas 0.53 BB NGL Technically recoverable oil with current technology.
North Dakota Stratigraphic Column Bakken Formation ~360 Million Years Old Paleozoic Era Mississippian/Devonian Period ~110’ thick Three Forks/Sanish ~370 Million Years Old Paleozoic Era Devonian Period ~240’ thick Bakken Three Forks
Stratigraphy Three Forks Formation Bakken Formation Lodgepole Formation lower middle upper Pelmatozoan limestone “False Bakken” Devonian Mississippian “Sanish”
Drillpipe Non-magnetic Drill Collar Bent Sub Mud Motor Rotating Sub
Widespread Bakken deposits Phase I – initial drilling – define limits of pay Phase II – development drilling – hold leases Phase III – infill drilling – multipad drilling Phase IV – secondary & tertiary recovery
Avg well treatment – stages 1,000 – 1,400 bbls water/stage 5,000 – 8,000 psi treating pressure +/-125,000 lbs proppant/stage 25 – 75+ bbls/min treatment rate
Courtesy of Continental Resources
Earthquakes occur deep within earth’s crust & upper mantel along plate tectonic boundaries. Origin of earthquakes is approximately 500 miles deep. Fracking in the Bakken approximately 2 miles deep.
Currently, only 3%– 10% recovery factor. Small improvements in recovery could yield over a billion barrels of oil. Can CO 2 be a game changer in the Bakken?