1 NDIA PMSC Services Sub-Committee - Discussion Topics Charter Recap of key points from the April meeting and our current committee status Leadership challenge
2 NDIA PMSC Services Sub-Committee - Overview Problem Statement: –EVMS is being applied to a variety of services type work scenarios and there is no consistent guidance or policy on how EVMS should be implemented Charter for Subcommittee: –To develop and recommend policy, process guidance, and/or training to support the implementation of EVMS on services type work Targeted Exit Criteria: –White Paper - “Guidance for Implementing EVMS on Services Work”
3 NDIA PMSC Services Sub-Committee - Volunteers Neil Albert, MCR ) Pete Deacon, SAIC ) John Duval, CSC ) Buddy Everage (703) ) Bob Fatzinger, Siemens ) Dale Gillam, SAIC ) Gay Infanti, Northrop Grumman ) Matt Morris, PPMS ) Dave Muzio, DLM Consulting ) Chris Nicholson, Northrop Grumman Dave Roberts, KPMG ) Tracie Thompson, Honeywell ) Kathleen Tucker, Boeing / )
4 Definition of Services Work (FAR ) “’Service contract’ means a contract that directly engages the time and effort of a contractor whose primary purpose is to perform an identifiable task rather than to furnish an end item of supply. A service contract may be either a nonpersonal or personal contract. It can also cover services performed by either professional or nonprofessional personnel whether on an individual or organizational basis. Some of the areas in which service contracts are found include the following: (1) Maintenance, overhaul, repair, servicing, rehabilitation, salvage, modernization, or modification of supplies, systems, or equipment. (2) Routine recurring maintenance of real property. (3) Housekeeping and base services. (4) Advisory and assistance services. (5) Operation of Government-owned equipment facilities, and systems. (6) Communications services. (7) Architect-Engineering (see Subpart 36.6). (8) Transportation and related services (see Part 47). (9) Research and development (see Part 35).”
5 Question 1 – with NDIA PMSC Response Question 1: Is the FAR definition encompassing of your understanding of services work? –Answer 1: Yes _X___No _____ –Please elaborate: The group consensus was that the FAR definition was encompassing of services work. Some elaborations were provided to expand on the example list in the FAR definition, such as staff augmentation and Seta type work, which could fall under example 4 or be added to the list. After some related discussion, Dale asked if there was anyone who did not think the FAR definition was encompassing of services work. No one spoke up. Dale said he would accept no objection as meaning the definition was encompassing.
6 Question 2 – with NDIA PMSC Response Question 2: Is EVMS useful on services work as defined only in the FAR definition? –Answer 2: Yes _X___No _____It Depends _____ –Please elaborate: After related discussion, the group consensus was that EVMS is useful on services work. In this discussion, Dale provided the scenario of a contract or program that only used the LOE EV technique and asked the question of whether or not EVMS was useful on this type of program. The group consensus was that it was. Key points from the discussion: EVMS is useful on all contacts and programs, but it is important to scale the EVMS to balance the benefits with the program risks and other important aspects of the program to meet the intent while not going overboard with the solution implemented Group consensus was that it is important to look for ways to define objective measurements to help in quantifying Earned Value since this aspect of measurement and reporting is a core aspect of implementing EVMS One should also look at rolling the implementation up to the program level vice at the contract level to help increase the resulting benefits
7 Question 3 – with NDIA PMSC Response Question 3: Is EVMS useful on services work as defined by the FAR with your changes or additions in Answer 1? –Answer 3: Yes ____No _____It Depends _____ Not Applicable __X__ –Please elaborate: This question became OBE due to the answer to question 1.
8 Question 4 & 5 – with NDIA PMSC Response Question 4: Is EVMS compatible with a performance-based acquisition contract? –FAR (37.102) states that based on the FAR definition, performance- based acquisition (see Subpart 37.6) is the preferred method for acquiring services. –Answer 4: Yes _X___No _____It Depends _____ –Please elaborate: The group consensus was that PBA and EVMS were compatible. Question 5: What are your major problems, issues, and/or challenges with implementing EVMS on services work? –Answer 5: Attendees were asked to provide Dale with specifics in response to question 5.
9 Near Term Objectives [defined at April meeting] 1.Solicit volunteers from Government and Industry partners 2.Need source material on implementing EVMS on services work Articles, presentations, lessons learned, surveys, POCs, etc. 3.PMSC members complete survey and have discussion 4.Get consensus on the definition of services work 5.Get consensus on the value of EVMS on services work 6.Update and/or revise our consolidated list of topics 7.Continue team discussions and determine what topics from our list are relevant to expand upon to support items 4 and 5 above 8.Develop content and determine appropriate dissemination method 9.Other milestones A.Provide status at August NDIA meeting B.On CoEye Agenda for November C.Topical Workshop at November Conference
10 Leadership Challenge We had good focus up until the last 5 weeks Facilitation/coordination effort is critical –New environment for EVMS –Need to get smarter on “non-EVMS” areas –Tough to agree on boundaries of scope/focus –Lot of potential areas to address I have had to transition more focus internally –Working with team to transition leadership role