Strategic Planning Process at UMass Boston Vision 2025: Charting a Course for the Future March 28, 2011
Strategic Planning Process: Phase I ▸ Spring 2010: Chancellor Motley convened Strategic Planning Task Force chaired by Provost Langley ▸ Task Force crafted a Strategic Vision for university development through 2025 ▸ Task Force crafted revised Statement of Mission and Values to help guide strategic planning process ▸ Sub-committees in nine areas compiled recommendations for consideration in the strategic plan ▸ Campus Executive Leadership Team reviewed reports and identified five priority themes in summer 2010
UMass Boston: Vision 2025 ▸ Bold vision for the future to enhance the stature, research enterprise, and reach of the university ▸ Grow enrollment, academic excellence, reputation, and global engagement ▸ Maintain our traditional commitment to teaching and deep community engagement ▸ Strategic plan to achieve this vision focuses on five priorities: ▸ Advance student success and development ▸ Enrich and expand academic programs and research ▸ Improve the learning, teaching, and working environment ▸ Establish a financial resources model consistent with the university's vision statement ▸ Develop an infrastructure supportive of the preceding goals
Strategic Planning Process: Phase II ▸ Fall 2010 Provost Langley initiated the creation of a Strategic Planning Implementation Design Committee (IDT) chaired by Dean Crosby ▸ Workgroups formed to develop action items to advance strategic goals ▸ IDT and workgroups meet on a bi-weekly basis ▸ Workgroups charged with issuing recommendation reports by March 31 ▸ IDT charged with recommending strategic plan and implementation plan in June 2011
Implementation Design Team ▸ Stephen Crosby, Dean, McCormack Graduate School (Chair) ▸ Anne Agee, Vice Provost for Information Technology ▸ Kristine Alster, Associate Provost ▸ Joan Becker, Vice Provost for Academic Support Services ▸ Albert Chen, Student ▸ Patrick Day, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs ▸ Greer Glazer, Dean, College of Nursing and Health Sciences ▸ John Hess, Senior Lecturer, Department of English ▸ Katherine Hope, Assistant Vice Chancellor, A&F ▸ Duane Jackson, Special Assistant to the Chancellor ▸ Varda Konstam, Professor of Counseling and School Psychology, and Chair, Faculty Council Executive Committee ▸ Reyes Coll-Tellechea, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Vice Chair and Secretary of Faculty Council Executive Committee ▸ DeWayne Lehman, Director of Communications ▸ Joan Liem, Dean of Graduate Studies ▸ Peter Langer, Associate Provost for Assessment and Planning ▸ Martin Quitt, Retired Professor of History ▸ Philip Quaglieri, Dean, College of Management ▸ Kathleen Teehan, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management ▸ Zong-Guo Xia, Vice Provost for Research and Strategic Initiatives
Implementation Design Team: Guiding Principles ▸ Be upfront and face boldly and honestly the substantial challenges raised by Vision 2025 ▸ Engage in candid, open discussions about the issues ▸ Provide frank insights on the challenges we are wrestling with ▸ Understand and face head-on the skepticism and cynicism that accompany this process ▸ Nevertheless, remain committed to leading this process forward
Implementation Design Team: Challenges and Objectives ▸ Campus cultural impediments among most significant ▸ Need honest discussion and will to make difficult decision, financial tradeoffs ▸ Follow though and hold people accountable for decisions and performance ▸ Develop 15-year project plan (Gantt chart) to: ▸ Identify inconsistencies (Grow enrollment without dorms or more tenure-track faculty? Add million-dollar PhD programs with what funds?) ▸ Guide plan implementation and ensure goals are met ▸ Achieve the UMass Boston Strategic Vision for 2025
Implementation Workgroups: Leadership ▸ Administrative and Physical Infrastructure Support Greer Glazer, Dean, CNHS (Chair) Susan Wolfson, Director, Campus Master Planning (Co-Chair) Zong-Guo Xia, Vice Provost, Research and Strategic Initiatives (Co-Chair) ▸ Academic Planning and Enrollment Kathleen Teehan, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management (Chair) Donna Kuizenga, Dean, College of Liberal Arts (Co-Chair) Joan Liem, Dean of Graduate Studies (Co-Chair) ▸ Residence Halls Patrick Day, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs(Chair) Anne Agee, Vice Provost for Information Technology (Co-Chair)
Implementation Workgroups: Leadership ▸ Additional Investment and Operational Revenues Philip Quaglieri, Dean, College of Management (Chair) Katherine Hope, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance (Co-Chair) ▸ Graduation Rates (formerly Retention Committee) Joan Becker, Vice Provost for Academic Support Services (Chair) Andrew Grosovsky, Dean, College of Science and Mathematics (Co-Chair) Kathleen Teehan, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management (Co-Chair) ▸ Space Workgroup Peter Langer, Associate Provost (Chair) ▸ Communications DeWayne Lehman, Director of Communications (Chair) Rajini Srikanth, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs (Co-Chair) Catherine Lynde, Associate Professor of Economics and President, Faculty-Staff Union Executive Committee (Co-Chair)
Implementation Workgroups: Objectives ▸ Administrative and Physical Infrastructure Support -- Examining administrative business practices to identify historic and recently developed deficits or impediments to the university’s advancement -- Conducted campus outreach sessions and feedback campaign week of February Aim is to identify key obstacles to conducting university business and recommend improved efficiencies ▸ Academic Planning and Enrollment -- Examining historic enrollment trends, projecting future growth and revenue enhancement -- Considering new academic programs in development and their impact on enrollment and necessary financial support -- Analyzing faculty support, composition, and approaches to achieving optimal allocation to programs and desired percentage of tenure and tenure-track faculty
Implementation Workgroups: Objectives ▸ Residence Halls -- Reviewing data to confirm campus support for housing -- Pursuing engaging consultant to examine possible business models for on- campus student housing -- Looking to form recommendations on options for attaining student housing -- Identify strategies for getting residence halls operational in the shortest time possible ▸ Additional Investment and Operational Revenues -- Examining historic funding sources and trends (e.g., declining state revenue) -- Exploring options and tactics for more stable and sustainable funding model -- Work includes looking at student fees, differential fees, and other revenue sources
Implementation Workgroups: Objectives ▸ Graduation Rates (formerly Retention Committee) -- Analyzing university data on students’ progress to degree completion to determine indicators of success/failure -- Developing recommendations in two primary areas: Start on-track, stay on track; and Early and often: connect, engage and build community -- Assessing current university support services, enrichment, and community building efforts to determine deficits and opportunities ▸ Space Workgroup -- Examining current space challenges and process, or lack thereof -- Objective is to recommend space allocation process based on best practices -- Review classroom, office, and research needs for higher enrollment projections ▸ Communications -- Developing overarching theme(s), messaging to promote new strategic vision and implementation of master plan -- Assessing tactics to roll out plans to the campus communities -- Assisting in pre-launch word-of-mouth communications activities and surveying university community
Feedback and More Information ▸ Visit for more ▸ Call or IDT or workgroup members ▸ Provide online feedback at