Kathleen MacNabb. The Basic History  Religion of Persian Empire  Founded c.1500-1000 BCE in Persia?  Prevalent until rise of Islam  Zoroastrianism.


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Presentation transcript:

Kathleen MacNabb

The Basic History  Religion of Persian Empire  Founded c BCE in Persia?  Prevalent until rise of Islam  Zoroastrianism = Mazdaism  Emperor was leader  Magi lead locals

Fundamental Principles  Cosmic battle between the one god and the one devil  Good Words, Good Thoughts, Good Deeds "A thousand people cannot convince one by words to the extent that one person can convince a thousand by action.“- Avesta "There is a remedy for everything but death, a hope for everything but wickedness, and everything will lapse except righteousness." -Avesta

Fundamental Principles  Salvation for all  Do not believe in reincarnation  Does not limit earthly pleasures  Believe in karma  Revered the number 3 "[there is] No reincarnation as far as our religion is concerned, because if there is reincarnation, then there cannot be the idea of resurrection…”- magi of Widea Fire Temple “Zoroaster was wise enough to recognize that all the motives of human beings are based on action and reaction. Because, the receiver of every good deed in this world will react accordingly with the good behavior. Therefore... if human beings act favorably, they receive favorable reaction and vice versa. In this regard, if a person robs another one, he should not be surprised when some day he will be robbed as well.”-Mary Boyce, professor at Cambridge

Literature: The Avesta  A portion of the book is Zoroaster’s words  Transmitted orally for centuries  Original copies destroyed  1/3 of the message survives to today

Literature: The Avesta  Yasta Daily rituals Gathas (hymns about Zoroaster’s life and exultation of Ahura Mazda Where and which part of land shall I go to succeed? They keep me away from the family and the tribe. The community that I wish to join does not gratify me, nor do the deceitful tyrants of the lands. How shall I gratify you, O Mazda Ahura? I approach you with good thought, O Mazda Ahura, so that you may grant me (the blessing) of two existences, the material and that of thought, the blessing emanating from Truth, with which one can put (your) support in comfort.

Symbol Faravahar

Role of Women  Crucial to battle between evil and good  Seen as weaker and more easily tempted  Female adulterers punished more harshly then males

Art, Science,Technology and Education Holidays Naw-Ruz (March 21): New Year Khordad Sal (March 26): Birth of Zoroaster Yalda (December 21): Winter Solstice Zarathust No Diso (December 26): Death of Zarathustra Church sponsored schools for secular and spiritual enlightenment “Hellenistic style” art with Zoroastrian subjects after the retreat of Alexander

Major Contributers  Zoroaster (Zarathustra): Left worship based on animal sacrifice 10 year journey Visions from Ahura Mazda  Darius I & Xerxes I forcibly promoted Zoroastrianism across Persian Empire  Other emperors collected and copied Avesta

Influence on other Religions  Influence of Judaism is disputed because Zoroastrianism can not be easily dated. Influences on Christianity and Islam: Duality (battle between good and bad) Resurrection Heaven and Hell Final Judgment

Influence on Political and Economic Structures  Xerxes I and Darius I increased Persian Empire to save people from the temptation of Ahrima  Centralized government of the Persian Empire = more internal trade

Bibliography  Beyer, Cathrine. "Zoroastrian Holidays and Festivals." Alternative Religions. 23 Oct  "Comparative Religion - Zoroastrianism." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 22 Oct  "Gender Equality and Status of Women In Zoroastrianism." Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and Other Resources. 23 Oct  "The Influence of Zoroastrianism on Christianity, Judaism and Islam., Page 1." AboveTopSecret.com - The Leading Site For Conspiracy Theories, UFO, Paranormal, Political Madness, and Other "Alternative Topics" 25 Oct  "Influence of Zoroastrianism on Other Religions." Zarathushtra ---- (Zoroaster). 4 May Oct  "Major Religions Ranked by Size." World Religions Religion Statistics Geography Church Statistics. 24 Oct  "Religions of the World - Zoroastrianism." YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. 14 May Oct  Spielvogel, Jackson J., and Dinah Zike. "Chapter 1." World History. Fourth Edition ed. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Glencoe,  "The Story of God - Zoroastrianism." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 25 Oct  "Zoroastrian Beliefs (Creator, Earth, Virgin, Salvation, Purification) - Religious Education Forum." Religious Education Forum - Discuss, Compare and Debate Religions in Our Online Community. 10 Aug Oct  "Zoroastrian Beliefs (Creator, Earth, Virgin, Salvation, Purification) - Religious Education Forum." Religious Education Forum - Discuss, Compare and Debate Religions in Our Online Community. 24 Oct  "Zoroastrian Sacred Sites, Iran." Sacred Sites: Places of Peace and Power. 12 Nov Oct  "Zoroastrianism." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 25 Oct  "Zoroastrianism." Zoroastrian Heritage. 3 Sept Oct