Penn Mental Health AIDS Research Center (PMHARC) Developmental Awards Program Pre-application Meeting January 29, 2015
Treatment of psychiatric disorders among people living with HIV infection who have co-occurring medical conditions—metabolic syndrome, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancers, HCV, TB, substance use disorders (alcohol and illicit drugs) Novel, as well as conventional, treatments and/or interventions of psychiatric conditions to improve access to, and retention in, HIV treatment and improved adherence to antiretroviral medications Adaptations of evidence based psychiatric treatment to the unique needs of HIV patient populations Research that links the effective treatment of mental illness among people with HIV infection to improvements in biological measures of health status Research focused on the treatment of HAND - HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders Studies of interaction effects between psychiatric and antiretroviral medications PMHARC Priorities
Year 1 Pilots The Impact of Personal Relevance and Depression on Brain and Behavioral Effects of HIV Prevention PSAs in HIV- Positive MSM (Daniel Langleben, MD (Psychiatry), An-Li Wang, D.Phil. (Annenberg) Current Status: Data Collection Evaluation of the HIV Treatment Cascade for HIV-Infected Persons with Mental Illness (Baligh Yehia, MD, MPP, MSHP (Medicine/ID), Kathleen Brady, MD (Philadelphia Department of Public Health), Benoit Dube, MD (Psychiatry), Karen Glanz, PhD, MPH (Epidemiology and Nursing), Robert Gross, MD, MSCE (Medicine/ID and Epidemiology) Current Status: Publication Mid-Life Cognitive Function in HIV+ Individuals: Impact of Endocrine and Immune Status (C. Neill Epperson, MD (Psychiatry), Liisa Hantsoo, PhD (Psychiatry) Current Status: Data collection Immune and Neuroimaging Biomarker Correlations between Depression and HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders in HIV-Infected Youth (Jennifer McGuire, MD (Neurology, CHOP), Brenda Banwell, MD (Neurology, CHOP), Tami Benton, MD (Psychiatry, CHOP), Linda Hawkins, PhD, LPC (Pediatrics, CHOP) Current Status: Data collection Predictors of HIV-Associated Psychiatric Distress and Neurocognitive Decline in a Multi-Ethnic Pediatric Sample (Iman Martin, PHD, MPH, M.Sc. (Psychiatry), Ruben Gur, PhD (Psychiatry), Raquel Gur, MD, PhD (Psychiatry) Current Status: Publication Treatment of Insomnia with Zaleplon in HIV Positive Patients with Comorbid Depression (Matthew Kayser, MD, PhD (Psychiatry), Michael Thase, MD (Psychiatry) Current Status: Data collection 17 Investigators 3 Institutions 3 Schools 6 Departments
Year 2 Pilots CSF and Plasma sCD163, FABP3 and sIR as Biomarkers of Neuropsychiatric Impairment in HIV-Seropositive Women Steven Arnold, M.D. (Psychiatry) Valarie Wojna, M.D. (Medicine/ Neurobiology) Does the Severity of Substance Use Disorders Affect Neurocognitive Functioning of HIV+ Patients? Donna Coviello, Ph.D. (Psychiatry) George Woody, M.D. (Psychiatry) Barriers to Engagement and Retention in Care among HIV+ Transgender Youth with Psychiatric Co-Morbidities Nadia Dowshen, M.D. (CHOP, Psychiatry) Fances Barg, Ph.D., M. Ed. (Community Health/Family Medicine) Marne Castillo, Ph.D. (Adolescent Medicine) Benoit Dube, M.D. (Psychiatry) Linda A. Hawkins, Ph.D. (Human Sexuality, Widener University) The Impact of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on HIV care Retention Carmen McLean, Ph.D. (Psychiatry) Edna Foa, Ph.D. (Psychiatry) A Pilot study of Lifestyle Modification for Weight Loss in Persons with Obesity, HIV/AIDS and Major Depression David Sarwer, Ph.D. (Psychiatry) Lucy Falconbridge, Ph.D. (Psychiatry) Rexford Akima, M.D., Ph.D. (Psychiatry/Medicine) Computer-Assisted Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depressed, HIV+ People Taking Antiviral Medications Michael Thase, M.D. (Psychiatry) Marna Barrett, Ph.D. (Psychiatry) 16 Investigators 4 Institutions 4 Schools 5 Departments
Successful Applications Responsive to the research priorities of the PMHARC ( Have clear potential to lead to larger, funded research initiatives Utilize PMHARC Core services Link early career investigators with established investigators Link mental health and HIV/AIDS expertise Contribute to specimen and data repository Feasible to complete within one year
Pilot awards Penn Faculty, including Instructors. Post Docs and Senior Fellows at Penn are also eligible with a faculty sponsor. $25, 000 awards—primarily personnel costs Selected projects receive significant support from PMHARC Cores Forms and application details can be found at: – Application deadline: March 1, 2015 – Approximate start date: July 1, 2015 – Five pages: Abstract, Significance, Innovation, Approach, Human Subjects
PMHARC Cores Administrative Core Developmental Core Clinical Assessment Core Intervention Core Laboratory Core Biostatistics Core
Developmental Core Director: Dave Metzger, PhD Co-Directors: C. Neill Epperson, MD and Raquel Gur, MD, PhD Coordinator: Chelsea Voytek, MPH Services – Solicit applications and support applicants – IRB applications Protocols and consent forms – Mentoring on HIV and MH issues – Recruitment assistance Advising on recruitment plan Flyer design and Web-based bulletin board ( ) Recruitment referrals – Monthly monitoring and assistance during implementation
Clinical Assessment Core Director: Paul Crits-Cristoph, PhD Co-Directors: Pablo Tebas, MD and Robert Gross, MD, MSCE Services – provides trained diagnosticians/evaluators to conduct clinical assessments – oversees administration of a core battery of behavioral measures – supports recruitment – provides access to assessment software and equipment
Intervention Core Director: Michael Blank, PhD Co-Directors: John B. Jemmott III, PhD and Michael Thase, MD Coordinator Services: – links with community partners – trains investigators and research staff to implement interventions for treatment of mental illness and HIV/AIDS and their comorbidities – consults on the design of HIV intervention projects
Laboratory Biomarkers, Quantitative Pharmacology, Neuroimaging, and Neurobehavioral Characterization Core Director: Steven Douglas, MD Co-Directors: Ruben Gur, PhD and Jeffrey Barrett, PhD Services: – performs measurements and assays for all pilots and other studies focused on treatments of comorbid mental illness and HIV/AIDS – performs assessments that will define mental illnesses, HIV/AIDS, and the comorbid characteristics common to both – maintains a specimen repository, which includes plasma, serum, cells, and genomic DNA
Biostatistics and Data Management Core Director: Warren Bilker, PhD Co-Director: Knashawn Morales, ScD Services: – Assistance with power calculations – Guidance on statistical and analytic methodologies – Support for effective data management