Dealing with Difficult People Presented By Steven Riccobono and Kathleen Caggiano-Siino
Todays Take Away You will learn about: Are they a Bully or Difficult Personality? Difficult Personality Types How to cope with the difficult personality types. Source: “Dealing With Difficult People” By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN. Wound Care Advisor, September/October 2013
By Definition Difficult [dif-i-kuhlt] adjective hard to deal with or get on with hard to please or satisfy hard to persuade or induce; stubborn:
Bully verse Difficult Behavior Hard to distinguish at times Bullying is often targeted towards a single person and not a group
Signs of a Bully These are often the signs: Talking behind ones back instead of directly resolving the conflict Isolating or “freezing out” a colleague from group activities Sabotaging others in a way that deliberately sets up the victim up for a negative situation Refusing to be available when a colleague needs assistance Not sharing important information with a colleague
Difficult Personality Types The Volcano Abrupt, intimidating, domineering, arrogant, and prone to making personal attacks.
Difficult Personality Types The Sniper Highly skilled in passive aggressive behavior, he or she takes potshots and engages in non-playful teasing
Difficult Personality Types The Chronic Complainer Whiny, finds fault in EVERY situation, and accuses and blames other for problems. Never brings solutions to the problems.
Difficult Personality Types The Clam Disengaged and unresponsive, closes down when you try to have a conversation.
Who Changes? You can’t change the way someone else is behaving when they are difficult. It’s a habit that they will not change unless they get different responses. YOU YOU You need to change the way YOU respond to them!YOU
Choice of Response You have options on how you respond: Nothing Walking away Changing your attitude Changing your behavior
Free Yourself! Changing your attitude and behavior forces the difficult person to learn different ways to deal with you! Don’t try to change the difficult person Don’t take it personally Set Boundaries Acknowledge the persons feelings Try empathy Hold your ground Use fewer words
In short… Know the difference when someone is being difficult verses bullying Try to change how you approach that difficult personality by altering your response