Speed Date My iPad Host: Leslie Kennemer Prospective Dates are: Kristen Fisher, Melinda McCoy, Kathleen Berry, and April Penman
Dating Norms We will move from table to table every 7 minutes Please stay with your group Feel free to snack while speed dating! No iPads or laptops, just pen and paper, or nothing with you Please hold your questions until the end of each presentation so that we can make sure we get everyone out on time Fill out the card of the First Date you would like to attend on November 13 th Put your first and second choices down
Writing Apps Presenter: Kristen Fisher
Write About This
Photo Cards
Productivity Apps: Social Studies/ Science/ELA Presenter: Melinda McCoy
Mad Lips
Creativity/Productivity Apps for All Subjects Presenter: Kathleen Berry
Pic Collage
Audio Boo
Story Telling Apps Presenter: Marli Epperson
Story Buddy
Felt Board
Explain Everything
Drop Box
Daily 5 Apps Presenter: Beverly Herndon
Mr. Potato Head $2.99
My Play Home Lite
Early Childhood/Special Ed Apps Presenter: Alissa D’Amore
Doodle Buddy
Fancy QR Generator
Gaming Apps and Websites Presenter: April Penman
Stack the States
Stack the Countries
Mathmateer Free
Tang Math Website
4 Pics 1 Word