Aligning Curriculum to Support Pre- Service Teachers Lisa Reynolds, Ph.D.-Core to College Alignment Director (CCWD) Derek Brown- Manager of Essential Skills (ODE) Rachel Aazzerah- Science and Social Sciences Assessment Specialist (ODE)
CCSS Across the Nation (Source: ASCD )
SBAC (Source: ASCD)
OAKS-Smarter Balanced Assessment Transition Timeline OAKS Smarter OAKS Reading based on 2002 ELA Content Standards Writing based on current scoring guide Mathematics based on 2007/2009 Math Content Standards Smarter Balanced Assessment Based on Common Core State Standards adopted by Oregon in 2010
English Language Arts/Literacy Shifts (CCSS) Increase Reading of Informational Texts Text Complexity Academic Vocabulary Recognition and Use of Textual Evidence Literacy Instruction in Content Areas
Mathematics Shifts (CCSS) Focus Coherence Procedural Fluency Deep Conceptual Understanding Applications (Modeling) Balanced Emphasis (Practice and Application)
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Lead States
The framework is designed to help realize a vision for education in the sciences and engineering in which students, over multiple years of school, actively engage in science and engineering practices and apply crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of the core ideas in these fields. A Framework for K-12 Science Education p. 1-2 A New Vision of Science Learning that Leads to a New Vision of Teaching Science Released in July 2011; free PDF online NGSS Science Standards will be finished by April 2013.
Summary: Shifts in the Teaching and Learning of Science Organize around limited number of core ideas. Favor depth and coherence over breadth of coverage. Core ideas need to be revisited in increasing depth, and sophistication across years. Focus needs to be on connections: Careful construction of a storyline – helping learners build sophisticated ideas from simpler explanations, using evidence. Connections between scientific disciplines, using powerful ideas (nature of matter, energy) across life, physical, and environmental sciences
Resources Smarter Balanced Website Smarter Resources and Webinar Archive Smarter Sample Items and Performance Tasks assessments/#item Smarter Item Writing and Review Materials writing-and-review/ Common Core State Standards Toolkit Common Core State Standards Assessment Resources Next Generation Science Standards (Pending April 2013)
Contact Information Karen Marrongelle ( SBAC Higher Education Lead for Oregon ) Lisa Reynolds ( CCWD ) Rachel Aazzerah ( Math, SBAC, Science & Social Sciences Assessment ) Derek Brown ( Essential Skills/Graduation Requirements ) Mark Freed ( Math Curriculum ) Ken Hermens ( ELA Assessment, SBAC ) Cheryl Kleckner ( Science Curriculum, CCSS, NGSS ) Kathleen Vanderwall ( Manager of Test Design at ODE )