Web Strategies for Health Communication: Introduction, Goals, and SWOT Lisa Gualtieri, PhD, ScM, Course Director Tufts University School of Medicine July 18-23,
Why Tufts Summer Institute on Web Strategies for Health Communication? Most healthcare and public health organizations who are trying to reach healthcare consumers share these problems: – “our website hasn’t been touched in three years” – “we set up a Facebook page but don’t know what to do with it” – “what exactly is Twitter and how do we use it?” – “are we using our resources as best we can?” – “are we helping people as best we can?” – “every other ___ is online and they are doing ___” 2
Aviva Must 3
Sue Gallagher 4
Introductions Alicia Best Katelyn Cooper Lindsay Court Jessica McAuliffe Stephanie-Jo McGehee Sean Molloy Zeev Neuwirth Kate Perch Yelena Pecheny Divya Ramamurthi Diane Randolph Lori Shanks Yoan Talagrand Kathleen Weldon Chris Viveiros Teams 1.Alicia, Kate, Stephanie-Jo, Zeev 2.Chris, Jessica, Lindsay 3.Diane, Katelyn, Lori, Yoan 4.Divya, Kathleen, Sean, Yelena 5
Agenda Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00 Tuesday 5:30 at Splash, 150 Kneeland Street Detailed agenda in binders Today – Web strategy, goals, and SWOT analysis – Demographics of HCCs – Personas 6
Strategy Strategy is a plan of action to meet stated goals – the goals are “what” – the strategy is “how” What happens when you don’t have – or use – a strategy? 7
Web strategy Encompasses all uses of – The web and social media – Through computers and mobile devices – To reach healthcare consumers (HCCs) Competitive analysis Personas SWOT Goals Technology Content Design Evaluation New web strategy Existing web strategy 8
Ask strategic questions Who can we reach? Which products and services should be offered and if and how will they be integrated? What is the value chain: sole distributor (free, ad-sponsored, subscription, or one-time fee) or multiple channels? Is the commitment short- or long-term? 9
Develop candidate goals Acquire new HCCs Retain current HCCs Increase loyalty Increase word-of-mouth and viral promotions Increase page views Improve branding and awareness Reduce content creation costs Decrease content creation time Respond rapidly to a crisis Increase healthy behaviors 10
Think “out of the box” and brainstorm creative and perhaps unusual goals Henry Ford: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said ‘faster horses.’” “Preschool children, on average, ask their parents about 100 questions a day. Why, why, why—sometimes parents just wish it’d stop. Tragically, it does stop.” – The Creativity Crisis, creativity-crisis.html, July 10, creativity-crisis.html 11
Consider constraints Organization – Budget – Leadership – Technological knowledge Existing and target HCCs – Technological knowledge and use – Health literacy skills – Health Diseases and conditions 13
Evaluate and prioritize goals Are goals realistic and achievable? What do we need to know: is any research or data needed? How will we measure success? Order goals based on potential impact and perceived ease of achieving 14
Summary: goals Ask strategic questions Develop candidate goals Brainstorm Consider constraints Evaluate and prioritize goals Competitive analysis Personas SWOT Goals Technology Content Design Evaluation New web strategy Existing web strategy 15
SWOT Competitive analysis Personas SWOT Goals Technology Content Design Evaluation New web strategy Existing web strategy StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreats 16
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats A web strategy needs to maximize the potential of the strengths and opportunities while minimizing the impact of the weaknesses and threats 17
Harvard Health Publishing Course project is developing a new web strategy for HHP in teams Ed Coburn, Publishing Director at HHP, will present goals and current web strategy Following that you will develop a revised set of goals and conduct a SWOT analysis Competitive analysis Personas SWOT Goals Technology Content Design Evaluation New web strategy Existing web strategy 18