NANC Report Future of Numbering (FoN) Working Group FoN Tri-Chairs Suzanne Addington, Sprint Kathy Bakke, Wisconsin PSC Mark Lancaster, AT&T September 18, 2013
Future of Numbering WG Mission To explore changes to the environment, including new and future technologies, the impact of market place and/or regulatory changes and innovations on telephone numbering. Scope: The Working Group will investigate new telephone numbering assignment approaches and future telephone number assignment requirements. The Working Group will identify common criteria and gather data to identify trends and their impact upon numbering resources. The Working Group, if necessary, will analyze opportunities to determine the feasibility and benefit of each and report its findings to the NANC. The Working Group will also analyze various topics that may be given to it from time to time by the NANC and/or FCC.
Future of Numbering WG Election of Tri-Chairs: Due to changes in job assignments and career plans the previous tri-chairs (Jim Castagna, Verizon; Adam Newman, Telcordia; Don Gray, Nebraska PUC) suggested that it was an appropriate time for a change in the FoN leadership. An election was held in July and the current FoN members selected Suzanne Addington, Sprint, Mark Lancaster, AT&T and Kathleen Bakke, Wisconsin Public Service Commission to serve as tri-chairs. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the previous co- chairs for their long tenure and good work. We’d also like to thank Beth O’Donnell for facilitating the election.
Future of Numbering WG Status: Redesigned the FoN Contribution Form Members discussed several potential future work efforts for which contributions may eventually be submitted. These topics generally fell into one of two categories: –PSTN Transition –FCC VoIP Trial and Comments Members are currently reviewing the status of outstanding FoN work items to determine if additional work is necessary before closure. Further updates on these issues will be reported at December NANC meeting.
FoN Membership 800 Response Information Services AT&T ATIS ATL RespOrg Services Brighthouse Networks Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission CenturyLink Comcast Cox Custom Toll Free Evolving Systems iconectiv Idaho Public Utilities Commission Integra Telecom John Staurulakis, Inc. (JSI) Maine Public Utilities Commission Michigan Public Service Commission Minnesota Department of Commerce Nebraska Public Service Commission NENA Neustar PHONEWORD SMS/800, Inc. Sprint TCA, Telecom Consulting Associates TeleSmart T-Mobile US Telecom Verizon Verizon Wireless Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Wisconsin Public Service Commission XO Communications
Meeting Schedule/Contact Info Conference Calls Held: –08/07/13 –09/04/13 Scheduled calls: –First Wednesday of each month Noon-1:30 PM ET –Next Meeting: 10/02/13 Contact info: FoN meeting notes and documents are posted at: