1 Teaching Persuasive Writing Everett School District Professional Development Writing Team 2006 prepared by Connie Gagnon
2 What is persuasive writing? Persuasive writing is constructing an argument for what you believe! Elements of Persuasion Stating opinions Using supporting facts and examples Connecting Ideas through logic and reasoning Appealing to the target audience
3 Guide for Teaching a New Writing Form Share an example with the students. Study the characteristics, pattern and organization of the writing. Teacher models the writing by “thinking aloud” and asking for student input. Class compares teacher model to the writing formula of new form, making revisions as needed. Class works together to create a writing sample with a pre-write, draft, revisions and editing. Students work individually using the writing process and peer evaluation. From First Steps
4 Getting Started … 1. Looking at Author’s Purpose Author’s Purposes for Writing include: to entertain, to inform, to explain, to persuade Why is it important for readers to know the author’s purpose in writing is to persuade?
5 Persuade: to convince; to induce to think, believe, or feel something Persuasive Writing 2. Looking at Advertisements Look at various ads and determine standard techniques advertisers use to persuade. Discuss with students why these techniques are successful. Question-Answer Problem-Solution Name-Calling Testimonials Glittering Generalities Have students design their own ads to share and discuss.
6 3. Read EARRINGS! by Judith Viorst 4. Then look at the format of the book…
7 Persuasive Writing Formula What I want or believe. Why I believe it. The other side of the argument. Reasons and examples against these arguments. What I want or believe.
8 Reasons she wanted Parents’ reasons Arguments against the earrings… against the earrings … her parents reasons… What did the girl want? Earrings! Look at the reasons …
9 5. Lesson can be repeated if necessary with the book: DADDY, COULD I HAVE AN ELEPHANT? by Jake Wolf
10 6. Model a pre-write for students … Brainstorm ideas of something you (as the teacher) might want … No papers to grade! A week in Hawaii! 20 pounds of chocolate! Time to Select one idea and an audience for your writing …
11 Good persuasive writing tells both sides of the argument… List reasons! Reasons I want Reasons my husband may a week in Hawaii… be against the idea …
12 7. With a “think-aloud” strategy and students sharing ideas … use the formula to write a rough draft. Compare the rough draft to the formula when finished.
13 8. Share student persuasive writing samples. Have students look for the persuasive formula or pattern in the writing…
14 9. Brainstorm ideas for writing … Wearing bike helmets No smoking in public places School uniforms Drilling in Alaska Wearing seat belts Recess breaks in school Schools give too much homework Schools “TIME FOR KIDS” and other student publications are a great resource for persuasive writing ideas!
Instruct students to select an idea and list reasons for and against the idea. 11. Have students share their reasons with a partner before beginning a rough draft.
16 Persuasive Writing with transition words … in the same wayhowever on the other hand similarly still although likewiseeven thoughagain asfor this reasonnext alsoin factfinally butanotheras well yetbesidesalong with otherwisefor exampleas a result of for instancetherefore in conclusionin summary
17 Using transitions to elaborate…
18 Looking at pre-writes for persuasive writing …
19 Looking at rubrics, outlines, tools for persuasive writing …
20 Looking at student samples of persuasive writing…
24 Resources… Persuasive Writing Grades 4-8. Tara McCarthy. New York: Scholastic, Writing to Persuade. Kathleen Rogers. NewYork:Fearon,1987 Six Traits- The Modes of Writing. Oregon: NW Regional Educational Laboratory. Reproducible Forms for the Writing Traits Classroom. Ruth Culham & Amanda Wheeler. New York: Scholastic. How Do I Teach Writing to Develop Proficient Writers. Lynn Watson. Everett Schools. Earrings. Judith Viorst. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks, Daddy, Could I Have An Elephant? Jake Wolf. New York: Puffin Books, 1996.
25 Rated PG- Pretty Good