Homelessness By Matt S and Kim.K
Where do Homeless people sleep? Most people wonder where homeless people sleep? Well we have a cahrt that says where they do. Outdoors vehicle or squat 20% Prisons/jail 1% Hotel 4% Emergency shelter 58% Transitional housing 17%
Facts The average age of a homeless person in the United States is nine. Children make up one of the largest and fastest growing segments of the homeless population ---43%. Homeless children get sick four times as often as other children. Homeless children go hungry twice as often as other children
Trivia How much percent of homeless people sleep outside in vehicle or in squat? a) 56% b) 20% c) 39% The answer is B. Good job
What is homelessness? The definition in the dictionary for homeless is - having no home or permanent place of residence. Homelessness is when someone has no home because they have no money or a storm wrecked their house.
How can we help with Homelessness? We can build homeless shelters and give to the food banks. You can donate your old stuff to a salvation army or a shelters. We can lay off less people and look at more resumes.
Trivia How much of the homeless percent of the homeless population is children. A)43% B) 59% C) 39% The answer is A. Good job!!
How it affects us Homelessness affects us by: The government has to spend money on making homeless shelters. The government gets the money by raising taxes. People that work get paid to work at homeless shelters. We donate food and money to these people to help them from starving and dying.
Trivia What are most homeless people doing to help themselves. A) Collecting bottles and doing things for people to get money. B)They are doing nothing for themselves C) They’re doing the hokey-pokey The answer is A.
How it happens? Homelessness happens usually from: Homes being destroyed from tornados, hurricanes severe storms and fires. When people don’t finish school and don’t have enough skill to get a job. With no job they can’t afford a house or anything. They waste money on drugs or other things so they can’t afford anything. When people serve time in jail or in rehabilitation centers, they get out and have nowhere to go to live.
Trivia What percent of people experience hunger in their homes in the U.S. A) 12% B) 5.9% C) 3.4% The answer is C.
Number of homeless people in Canada The number of homeless people in Canada is about 200,000. Toronto has somewhere around 5000 to 1200.
Facts There is 842 million people in the world that are under fed. More than 153 million of them are under the age of five. 6 million children under the age of 5 die as a result of hunger.
Trivia How many homeless people does Vancouver have? A) 1200 people B) 2100 people C) people The answer is B.
Kim’s Credits I’d like to thank Breanna for helping me find a website Thank-you for everyone's help it made my PowerPoint way better I’d like to thank Jen for Helping me find some good info I’d like to thank Victoria for helping me with showing me how to use the tools. Thank – you Cory for looking at my PowerPoint. I’d also like to thank Brittney for helping Me and Mr. Macintyre for helping me.
Matt’s credits I would like to thank Cory, Colton, Dylan and Mitch M for watching my PowerPoint. I would also like to thank anyone else that helped me.
Matt’s References _homless300.jpg what-happens.html servlet/View?filename=bc_homeless ca/reg ional/servlet/View?filename=bc_homeless
Kim’s references homeless.jpg n_between/images/homeless_man.jpg