2 Overview of SAMHSA’s Housing Portfolio Charlene E. Le Fauve, Ph.D., Chief Co-Occurring and Homeless Activities Branch Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
3 SAMHSA’s 8 Strategic Initiatives #1 – Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness #2 – Trauma and Justice #3 – Military Families #4 – Recovery Support #5 – Health Reform #6 – Health Information Technology #7 – Data, Outcomes, and Quality #8 – Public Awareness and Support
4 8 Strategic Initiatives – Support Goals and Drive Efforts Set budget and policy priorities. Manage grants, contracts, technical assistance, agency staff, and interagency efforts. Engage partners at every level. Measure and communicate progress.
Individuals and Families Home Permanent Housing Community Social Inclusion Purpose Employment and Education Health Recovery, Health, Wellness 5 Recovery Support Strategic Initiative
SAMHSA Portfolio PATH-Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness SOAR-SSI/SSDI Outreach Access and Recovery GBHI – Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals SSH-Services in Supportive Housing CABHI-Cooperative Agreements for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals Contracts-Technical Assistance 6
GOAL OF THE PATH PROGRAM Main goal of PATH is to support the delivery of eligible services to persons who are homeless and have serious mental illnesses and co-occurring substance use disorders, with a particular emphasis on (a) adults, (b) persons who are literally homeless (c) street outreach (d) case management and (e) services which are not supported by mainstream mental health programs.
SOAR Purpose: SAMHSA has contracted to provide technical assistance to States as part of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI)/Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) Outreach Access and Recovery (SOAR) initiative and to evaluate the outcomes of the initiative. 8
SOAR Program Outcomes Initial Application Decision: Since 2006, there have been 8,978 decisions on initial applications reported by 37 states; nearly 4,600 decisions in The approval rate of these applications was 73% in 91 days on average. Economic stimulus: SSI/SSDI brought at least $53.1 million into the states and local economies of the 37 states reporting outcomes. Serving individuals who are chronically homeless (16 states reporting): Persons served through SOAR have been homeless for an average of 2 years. Increased access to housing (10 states reporting): 81% of applicants were housed by the time benefits were approved; the length of time to housing after benefits were approved averaged 39 days. 9
GBHI Purpose: Grants for the Benefit of homeless Individuals (GBHI) program is designed to enable communities to expand and strengthen their treatment services for people experiencing homelessness who also have a substance abuse disorders, mental illness, or co-occurring disorder. 10
SSH Purpose: The purpose of the Services in Supportive Housing (SSH) program is to help prevent or reduce chronic homelessness by funding mental health and substance abuse services for individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness in coordination with existing permanent supportive housing programs and resources. 11
Grant-Making Revised Approach to Grant-Making Braided funding within SAMHSA & with partners Engaging with States, Territories & Tribes – Flexibility Funding for States to plan or sustain proven efforts Encouraging work with communities Leveraging resources across SAMHSA programs 12
SAMHSA’S THEORY OF CHANGE INNOVATION Proof of concept Services Research Practice-based Evidence TRANSLATION Implementation Science Demonstration Programs Curriculum Development Policy Development Financing Models and Strategies DISSEMINATION Technical Assistance Policy Academies Practice Registries Social Media Publications Graduate Education IMPLEMENTATION Capacity Building Infrastructure Development Policy Change Workforce Development Systems Improvement WIDESCALE ADOPTION Medicaid SAMHSA Block Grants Medicare Private Insurance DOD/VA/DOL/DOJ/ED ACF/CDC/HRSA/IHS SURVEILLANCE EVALUATION 13
Ready for Change Implementing a Theory of Change Taking proven things to scale (PSH) Researching/testing things where new knowledge is needed Efficient & Effective Use of Limited Dollars Consolidating contracts & TA Centers Consolidating public information & data collection activities and functions Regional Presence & Work with States 14
CABHI SAMHSA combined the current SAMHSA SSH program and the SAMHSA GBHI program to offer CABHI. The previous SAMHSA SSH and GBHI programs combined housing assistance with intensive individualized support services to individuals who are chronically homeless and in need of mental health and substance abuse services. 15
CABHI CABHI will serve chronically homeless individuals Enhance infrastructure planning and development activities Assist chronically homeless individuals and community service providers with enrollment in Medicaid and other mainstream programs. Awards: Up to $500,000 per year for up to 3 years (approximately 13 new awards total) 16
17 Thank You Contact Information: Charlene E. Le Fauve, Ph.D. SAMHSA Housing Portfolio Staff Lead Chief, Co-Occurring and Homeless Activities Branch Center for Substance Abuse Treatment