Harris County Community Services Department PY 2014 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Subrecipient Orientation February 25, To insert your company logo on this slide From the Insert Menu Select “Picture” Locate your logo file Click OK To resize the logo Click anywhere inside the logo. The boxes that appear outside the logo are known as “resize handles.” Use these to resize the object. If you hold down the shift key before using the resize handles, you will maintain the proportions of the object you wish to resize.
ManagerEsmeralda Gonzalez x2106 Senior Project Monitor Natalie Garciax2065 Project Monitors Michelle Leijax2202 Ebony Lovex2086 Public Services, Grants Management Staff
CONTENTS OF FOLDER Welcome letter Subrecipient Orientation Acknowledgment Copy of presentation CD containing: Programmatic reporting templates and guidance material Financial reporting templates and guidance material 3
CDBG Overview National Objective Benefit Low/Moderate Income Persons Eligible Public Service Activities Provision of public services including but not limited to general welfare services such as the provision of food and clothing, health services, educational services, youth enrichment and juvenile delinquency prevention programs and employment and job development services. 4
To broaden existing emergency shelter Emphasize Rapid Re-housing Help people quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness Support more coordinated and effective data collection, performance measurement, and program evaluation. ESG Overview 5
Homeless definition has 4 Categories: 1) Literally homeless individuals/families 2) Individuals/families who will imminently (within 14 days) lose their primary nighttime residence with no subsequent residence, resources or support networks 3) Unaccompanied youth or families with children/youth who meet the homeless definition under another federal statute and 3 additional criteria 4) Individuals/families fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence with no subsequent residence, resources or support networks to obtain permanent housing. Homeless Definition 6
A homeless person is: an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, meaning: Living in a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including hotels/motels paid by charitable organizations or by federal, state, or local government programs for low-income individuals, congregate shelters, and transitional housing); or Living in a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground; or Exiting an institution (e.g., jail, hospital) where he or she resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution. Homeless Category 1 7
Homelessness documentation for individuals/families sleeping in a place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation or living in a shelter designated to provide temporary living arrangements: ◦ a written referral by another housing or service provider, or ◦ a written observation by an outreach worker of the conditions where the individual or family was living, or ◦ a certification by the individual or head of household seeking assistance. Homelessness documentation for individuals/families exiting an institution (e.g., jail, hospital): ◦ one of the three documentation listed above, AND ◦ discharge paperwork or a written or oral referral from a social worker, case manager, or other appropriate official of the institution, stating the beginning and end dates of the time residing in the institution, all oral statements must be recorded by the intake worker, or o a written record of the intake worker’s due diligence in attempting to obtain the discharge paperwork or a written or oral referral and a certification by the individual seeking assistance that states he or she is exiting or has just exited an institution where he or she resided for 90 days or less Homelessness Documentation Category 1 8
Individuals/families fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or life threatening conditions that relate to violence against the individual or a family member, including a child, that has either taken place within the individual’s or family’s primary nighttime residence or has made the individual or family afraid to return to their primary nighttime residence; AND individual/family has no other residence; AND lacks the resources or support networks, e.g., family friends, faith- based or other social networks, to obtain other permanent housing Homeless Category 4 9
Homelessness documentation for individuals/families fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions related to violence: o For victim service providers: An oral statement by the individual or head of household seeking assistance which states: that they are fleeing; they have no subsequent residence; and they lack resources. Statement must be documented by a self-certification or a certification by the intake worker. o For non-victim service providers: Oral statement by the individual or head of household seeking assistance that they are fleeing. This statement is documented by a self-certification or by the case worker. Where the safety of the individual is not jeopardized, the oral statement must be verified; and certification by the individual or head of household that no subsequent residence has been identified, and self-certification or other written document that the individual or family lacks the financial resources or support networks to obtain other permanent housing. Homelessness Documentation Category 4 10
What information/documentation should be maintained in a client file for a client reported as being literally homeless/exiting jail (Category 1)? Scenario # 1 11
The client file should contain discharge paperwork that includes the entry date and discharge date to ensure the client resided at the institution for 90 days or less. The file should also maintain source documentation to document the client’s homeless status prior to entering jail, for example a written referral by another housing or service provider or written observation by the outreach worker, or certification by the individual stating he was living on the streets/shelter. Answer: 12
What information/documentation should be maintained in a file for a client reported as fleeing domestic violence (Category 4)? Scenario # 2 13
The client file should contain documentation that the client was fleeing a domestic violence situation and had nowhere else to stay but at your shelter;, and specific detailed information pertaining to that client’s situation regarding lacking resources and support networks, such as family, friends, faith-based or other social networks, needed to obtain other permanent housing. Be sure your assessment forms capture all the necessary elements to document eligibility under Category 4. Answer: 14
AGREEMENTS Agreements were drafted based on applicants’ Request for Proposals (RFP’s) submitted to CSD for PY2014 funding PY2014 Time of Performance: March 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015 At the discretion of HCCSD management, no more than two (2) budget revision requests shall be allowed each year, to be submitted no later than 90 days prior to the end of the program year. Cut-off to submit your budget revision request: November 30,
Agreements Refer to Exhibit A: Scope of Services and Exhibit B: BudgetExhibit A: Scope of Services Exhibit B: Budget Activity Unit Definition Cost per Unit of Service Total No. of Units Per Activity Maximum Total Cost Per Year PY2014 Number Served 16
1.Coversheet / ChecklistCoversheet / Checklist 2.Project Status ReportProject Status Report 3.Client Data ReportClient Data Report 4.Tally SheetTally Sheet 5.Individual Eligibility FormsIndividual Eligibility Forms 6.Employee Data ReportEmployee Data Report 7.Bed Days LogBed Days Log 8.HMIS ReportsHMIS Reports 9.Mid-Year Report or Annual Performance ReportMid-Year Report or Annual Performance Report PY2013 Programmatic Reports 17
Important notes on monthly reports Check your Agreement for monthly reports due date. For projects that expend funds early, submission of monthly reports with no new persons/services is not required. Ensure corrections are carried forward to the next monthly report to avoid resubmitting reports. 18
Scenario # 3 Scenario # 3 What forms need to be submitted if your Project Status Report indicates your agency served 20 new eligible persons? 19
Answer: Your agency must submit a PY2014 Individual Eligibility Form (IEF) and Harris County Appraisal District (HCAD) print- out for all 20 new persons served. 20
Scenario # 4 What is needed on the Project Status Report if you have attained 20% of your contract goal and you should be at 50% of your goal? 21
Answer: You must provide an explanation on the Project Status Report for not being on target for the reporting month. Should your agency consistently fail to comply with the requirement of timely level of performance and expenditures, a desk finding will be issued. 22
Scenario # 5 Which monthly reports need to be corrected if you report 20 new clients; however, 3 were disallowed? 23
Answer: The following reports need to be corrected: 1.Project Status Report 2.Client Data Report 3.Tally Sheet 24
HMIS CSD requires Subrecipients that provide services to homeless persons with County funds to participate in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) administered by the Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County (CFTH). If the Subrecipient is a victim services provider, it may use a comparable database that collects client-level data over time and generates unduplicated aggregate reports based on the data. Information entered into a comparable database must not be entered directly into or provided to an HMIS. To participate in HMIS: Inform the CFTH of your grant name, type of funding, the operating year, and list of services funded through the grant Sign up and receive training Input information on clients and services provided into ClientTrack The following HMIS reports must be submitted monthly: Clients Served with Details Clients in Programs Client Summary Report Please contact CFTH staff at or click on their website at for further assistance.at 25
Recipients of ESG funds must provide for the participation of not less than one homeless or formerly homeless individual on the board of directors or other equivalent policy-making entity of the recipient, in accordance with 24 CFR (a). At the monitoring visit, we will request documentation evidencing your agency’s compliance with this requirement. Homeless Participation 26
Important Points Section 504 survey will be reviewed for applicable updates Grantor Recognition Spell out “Harris County Community Services Department” Keep all items that document grantor recognition in a Grant File for review during the monitoring visit (press releases, media announcements, fundraising brochures, newsletters, pamphlets, print-out from agency website) Units of Service in the client files should match the amounts reported under Units of Service in the Client Data and Project Status Reports 27
Questions & Answers: Programmatic Forms 28 When are the programmatic forms due? Can I report duplicate clients on the Tally Sheet? If my project is not on target for reporting month what must I do?
Break Time After the break: Finance Staff Presentation Please turn in the Orientation Acknowledge form before you leave. 29