Participation in Denmark
The law of social services The law of social services, section 110 There must be an established user democracy at any shelter operated under section 110 Either by regular plenary meetings with the users or… The users form a user council, that can request meetings with the management, when the conditions for the users need to be negotiated 2. maj 20152
SAND’s History A new Law of Social Services was the basis for establishing SAND It started with user councils at different shelters Over the years more user councils were created, leading up to the formation of a national organisation SAND kept growing, and 7 years ago, a secretariat was established, at present with 5 employees The national organisation is funded by The Ministry of Internal- and Social Affairs, and the local SAND committees are funded by the local authorities. 2. maj 20153
SAND’s organisation 2. maj SAND Board Local SAND committees Local SAND committees Local SAND committees User Council
How does SAND work to promote user involvement? Regular visits to shelters and assistance in the establishing of user councils Assisting the local SAND committees in the larger cities of Denmark Project days at the shelters, where representatives from SAND inform about SAND, legal rules for staying at a shelter, debt consolidation etc. Publish a monthly newsletter which is sent to all inhabitants of shelters in Denmark Helping homeless to manage their daily life Homeless Day (17/10) in the centre of Copenhagen 2. maj 20155
How does SAND work to promote user involvement? Legal courses for the homeless. Rules and regulations about being homeless. Introduction courses: New members – Homeless - learn about SAND, the organisation, social legislation, negotiating technique, team building etc., Social assessor courses: A course for homeless people who want to help other homeless people find their way through the “administrative jungle” Social manager courses: Teaching participants to assist others with debt consolidation Project days: SAND’s annual meeting. In 2009 we discussed The Plan for the Homeless. Approx. 60 participants from both service user groups and representatives from the relevant authorities 2. maj 20156
SAND is involved in politics On a political scale, we try to influence by: –Participating actively in the local implementation of The Plan for the Homeless –Working to establish local councils for socially marginalized people in every county council in Denmark –Making the homeless problem more “visible” to the public and the politicians by being active in the public debate 2. maj 20157
Difficulties and questions The homeless are hard to find and hard to organize –Drugs –Poor economy –Psychological problems –Social problems Financial and professional support is necessary to keep the organisation going –The fine balance between the professionals and the homeless in SAND –Lack of money Can you represent the homeless when you are no longer homeless? 2. maj 20158