is a resource centre for anyone needing housing support. exists to provide for the basic needs of a homeless people. We will support you through crisis points and beyond, assist you to connect to other services and offer hope on the journey toward your goals. 336 High Street Gateshead NE10 1EN Tel:
Aquila way have 5 rules… We keep our promises. Dreams for the future. Each of us is valuable and unique. 2 nd,3 rd and 4 th chances It is our faith that drives all we do.
But, we are not making this power point to advertise Aquila Way we are making this power point to show that windy nook CAN help the homeless!
Not all homeless people look like this. Not all homeless people have raggy clothes. A lot of the time homeless people are sad, lonely+ cold. Not all homeless people live on the streets. Not all homeless people have family or friends to go to…
YOU can help by donating things such us… Toiletries- Shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, teeth brushes. Food- Tin food, biscuits, cereals, tea/coffee/hot chocolate, sugar or sweeteners
Would YOU like to spend the night on the streets with no warmth, no comfort, no food?! OR would you like to know your going to spend the night on a friends sofa?! NO, you wouldn’t. But, other people have to!
No one should have to live like this Turn a homeless person’s frown…. Upside down! But, if you help you can…
Help the homeless week will be taking place on the 2 nd -6 th July. We will be showing our presentations and posters to parents. On the last week the class who have brought the most stuff to help the homeless in will get extra playtime!
Want to help? Then you can! Windy Nook WILL help the homeless IF you ‘bring in some stuff, to stop the homeless feeling rough’. By Mia And Morgan