NEOCH & Homelessness How do I get involved in the struggle to end homelessness in Cleveland?
NEOCH Does A Ton of Work in the Community, But What is Our Primary Purpose?
What Is NEOCH?
1. How Did I Get Involved? NEOCH is 26 Years Old Brian Davis involved for 19 yrs
2. A History of Homelessness We Know What Works We Know What Does Not Work Solutions Based Group Expertise from those Experiencing Homelessness — Everyday and in Leadership
3. Lobbying We Raise People ’ s Voices We bring the Issues to City Hall We bring the Issues to County Government Contact with Media and State and Elected Officials
4. Bringing Different Voices Together CAHA Housing Cleveland Street Card Outreach Collaboration Legal Assistance Homeless Voters Policy/Advocacy Street Chronicle Homeless Stand Down
5. Civil Rights Leader Law enforcement partners Social Services in lieu of law enforcement. Enforce voting rights and stop anti-homeless laws. Work with NCH to solve problems nationally.
6. Solution Based Research Annual State of Homelessness and Website Annual State of Homelessness and Website Partner with Government to solve problems. Partner with Government to solve problems. Incubate new Programs in response to Problems Incubate new Programs in response to Problems Educate the public about Issues Raised by Homeless People. Educate the public about Issues Raised by Homeless People.
Homelessness in Cleveland 1. A Few Statistics 2. Definition of Homelessness 3. Myths About Homeless People
An Overview of Homelessness How do people become homeless? What are the current issues? Where do people get help?
We Need Your Help! Collections Memberships Individual Donors Research Writing for the Street Newspaper
Volunteering/Innovative Ideas Direct Service Creating Programs Assisting Labre Filling a Need identified by homeless people.
Thank you to the artists for the photo images used in this show Toni Anderson Sabrina Otis Pleasure Simmons Joshua Kanary Cheryl Harris Karen St. John Vincent Cynthia Miller Kevin Cleary
Housing Cleveland housing you can access. rent you can afford. how much can I afford? types of rental housing support progra ms neighbo rhood informa tion rental check list renter rights and respo nsibili ties about us list a place to rent find a place to rent Over 70,000 users in 2008 who did over 500,000 searches
Homeless Voting One of Only Continuums that Requires Voting Registration Upon Entry Registered thousands of homeless people in Leading Group in Ohio Preserving the Rights of Homeless People to Vote.
Homeless Stand Down 19 Years of Organizing Stand Down for all. Over 17,000 people served. Photos by InterAct Cleveland
Website and Statistics Over 50,000 unique users per year Widely quoted on statistics Most popular website for homelessness in Cleveland.
Long History of Starting New Programs Homeless Grapevine Bridging the Gap Shelter Libraries Community Voice Mail Non Profit Temp. Company Housing Cleveland Website Legal Assistance Street Cards COHHIO and OCHA
Public Education Street Voices Speakers Homeless Photo Project Movable Walls Weekly Press Releases Website Homeless Blog Newsletter Advocacy Alerts